Prokaryotes are single celled organisms without a nucleus and do not have membrane bound organelles.
Prokaryotes contain a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, circular DNA, ribosome and a cell wall.
Some prokaryotes additionally can have a flagellum, capsule, plasmids, pili and mesosomes.
Prokaryotic cell walls are made of peptidoglycan cross links. They are stiff maintaining the cell's shape, protecting interior, and preventing cell bursting from water.
Prokaryotic DNA is often only one free floating molecule (chromosome) which is supercoiled to make it compact.
Prokaryotic ribosomes are smaller than eukaryotic. Eukaryotic ribosomes are 80s whereas eukaryotic are 70s.
Pilli act as an attachment to other cells/surfaces and are involved in sexual reproduction.
Plasmids are small circles of DNA. A capsule acts as additional protection to the cell.
The flagellum is like a long tail and acts as a propeller and is used for movement/locomotion.