Subdecks (4)

Cards (119)

  • Philosophy - means "Love of wisdom"
  • Metaphysics - the study of the nature of reality.
  • Epistemology - the study of knowledge.
  • Ethics - what we ought to do and what it would be best to do.
  • Logic - arguments or reasons
  • Socrates - first philosopher who engaged in a systematic questioning about the self.
  • Body and soul - two important aspect of socrates philosophy.
  • Body - all individuaindividualshave an imperfect, impermanent aspect.
  • Soul - all individuals have a perfect and permanent aspect.
  • Plato - supported the idea of Socrates "man is a dual nature of body and soul"
  • Three components of the soul - Rational soul, spirited soulsoul, and Appetitive soul.
  • Rational soul - forged by the reason and intellect has to govern the affairs of the human person.
  • Spirited soul - soul that in charge of emotions.
  • Appetitive soul - soul that in charge of base desire like eating, drinking, sleeping, and having sexual intercourse.
  • Aristotle - states that the soul is the principle which causes movement.
  • Essence - what makes you, you.
  • St. Augustine - adopted some ideas of Plato but with religious side
  • Body - according to St. Augustine, it is bound to die on earth.
  • Soul - according to St. Augustine, it the one anticipating living eternally in a realm of spiritual bliss in communion with God.
  • St. Thomas Aquinas - Adopted some ideas from Aristotle.
  • Matter or Hyle - refers to the common stuff that make up everything in the universe.
  • Form or Morphe - refers to the essence of a substance or thing
  • Soul - according to St. Thomas Aquinas, it is what animates the body
  • Body - according to St. Thomas Aquinas, it is what makes us human
  • Rene Descartes - the father of modern philosophy. Conceived that the human person as having body and mind. Do not believe in soul.
  • Self two distinct entites - Cogito and extenza
  • Cogito - the thing that thinks which is the mind
  • Extenza - extension of the mind which is the body
  • David Hume - acoording to him, men can only attain knowledge by experience.
  • Two categories of self - Impression and Ideas.
  • Ideas - copies of impression
  • Impression - basic object of our experience or sensation
  • John Locke - The human mind at birth is tabula rasa or blank state
  • Immanuel Kant - States that the self is not in the body
  • Gilbert Ryle - The self is the same as the bodily behavior.
  • Sigmund Freud - The " I " will never be the same and it will continue to change over time.
  • State of the mind - concious and unconscious
  • Freud's theory of personality - Id, Ego, Superego