Promoting inclusion, justice and democracy

Cards (12)

  • 2 Key Principles of GFA agreed to the creation of a government based on power sharing with key decisions requiring cross-community support agreed to people born in Northern Ireland having the right to hold dual citizenship. They can hold Irish Citizenship or British Citizenship or both.
  • What is the Principle of Consent?
    Acknowledges aspiration of a united Ireland and the current majority aspiration to remain in Britain
  • Name 2 ways linguistic diversity can be promoted.
    1. A statutory duty on the department of education to encourage and allow Irish-medium education 2. Financial support for Irish-language film and tv programmes
  • Who is the NI assembly?
    90 MLAs with a speaker who chairs the asembly
  • Name 2 roles of NI assembly
    1. Represent constituents within NI 2. Debate and pass laws-needs cross-community support
  • What is the structure of NI executive?
    1. First and Deputy First Minister 2. 2 Junior ministers 3. 9 Ministers who each run a government department
  • What is the NI executive role?
    1. Prioritise executive and legislative proposals 2.To agree on a budget
  • What is the Department of Finance (DoF) 

    1.Managing the NI budget 2.Land Registration 3.Civil Service 4.Property Valuation
  • Name 3 promises ministers make
    1. To carry out duties in good faith 2. To be committed to non-violence 3. To comply with code of conduct
  • What are 3 parts of the ministerial code of conduct?
    1. Have accountability 2. Not use information for personal gain or to boost private interests 3. Comply with rules on acceptance of gifts and hospitality
  • Name 2 responsibilities for MLAs
    1. Voting on new laws 2. Visiting schools and businesses
  • Name 2 roles of NI police ombudsman's office
    1. investigate complaints made about police officers 2. Investigate any death that may have occurred as a result of a police's actions