Understanding interactions of processes involving the Earth's climate system, oceans, landforms, animals, plants and people. This understanding requires linking the physical systems together and relating human actions to the physical environment.
All planning in terms of sustainable development will need to be based on predictions of future conditions - study of weather and climate is integral to this prediction
Sum total of the conditions of the atmosphere (with regard to temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, rainfall and other elements) at a given place at a given time
Average condition of the atmosphere / integration of weather conditions for a given period of time within a given area
Climate is what you expect – weather is what you get
Observing climate
Ground-based automatic weather stations (AWS)
Weather radar
Satellite-based remote sensing
Automatic Weather Stations
Ground-based, measure/collect the four fundamental microclimate variables, range from simple to complex systems, representational of the microclimate (2km radius)
Weather balloons, measure/collect high frequency samples of the atmosphere, also include GPS tracking – wind speed and direction, representational of the total lower atmosphere profile
Weather radar
Use radiowaves to collect data, useful in collecting rainfall/storm data, lots of developments, can gather data over large areas with good resolution
Satellite-based remote sensing
Polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites, generally radiation specific variables, active sensors can measure other variables e.g. rainfall
No single system is the best. Need to use each in combination. For climate data: ground-based AWS network is the best. For meteorological data/forecasting/nowcasting: use the other systems too.
Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP)
The use of computer models to predict the future state of the atmosphere given observations and equations that describe relevant physical processes
Stages of the Forecasting Process
1. Data Collection
2. Quality Control
3. Data Assimilation
4. Model Integration
5. Post Processing of Model Forecasts
6. Human Interpretation
7. Product and graphics generation
Primitive Equations
Derived from the conservation laws of momentum, mass, energy, and moisture. Used to forecast variables like wind, temperature, and moisture.
Models must include smaller scale processes/features that cannot be resolved, this is done through parameterization - including the effects of physical processes indirectly when we can't include the processes directly.
Post Processing
Statistical processing of models to remove biases and improve quality of predictions, known as Model Output Statistics (MOS)
Types of models
Empirical/Statistical models
Theoretical/Dynamical models
Elements of Weather
Atmospheric pressure
Air Temperature
Atmospheric Humidity
Precipitation (rain, snow)
Cloud Type (cloud microphysics)
Motion (Wind)
Geostrophic winds
Horizontal wind produced by the balance of the Coriolis force and the horizontal pressure-gradient force, upper level air flow and is parallel to the isobars
Gradient winds
Horizontal wind produced by balance of Coriolis, centrifugal and horizontal pressure gradient forces with cyclonic or anticyclonic curvature
SU3: Learning Outcomes
Know the typical synoptic patterns observed over southern Africa
Interpret a synoptic chart, numerical weather analysis of surface and 500hPa pressure, satellite images and radiosonde sounding to deduce the implications for rainfall and temperature over southern Africa
Geostrophic flow
Horizontal wind produced by the balance of the Coriolis force and the horizontal pressure-gradient force
Coriolis force
Proportional to wind speed
Stronger PGF
Causes flow to become ageostrophic & deflected across isobars at an angle in the direction which the PGF acts
Frictional effect
Diminishes with height
Ekman Spiral
Projection of wind vectors onto the horizontal
Ekman Layer
Friction layer
Gradient wind
Horizontal wind produced by balance of Coriolis, centrifugal and horizontal pressure gradient forces with cyclonic or anticyclonic curvature
In gradient flow balance the Pressure-gradient force = the Coriolis + centrifugal forces
Cyclostrophic wind
Horizontal circular air motion in which the centrifugal force balances the pressure-gradient force
In cyclostrophic balance the Pressure-gradient force = centrifugal force
Convergent air
Air that moves into an area from more than once direction
Divergent air
Air that moves out a region in more than one direction
Above an area of surface convergence we have an area of divergence in the upper air
Air motion around a low pressure centre
Air motion around a high pressure centre
Wind systems
Geostrophic winds
General surface atmospheric circulation (primary & secondary)
Circulation of the upper Atmosphere
Tertiary and local winds
Ocean-atmospheric circulation
Wind flow in the upper atmosphere is geostrophic and dominated by ZONAL flow – westerly in its configuration
Rossby and Kelvin waves
Periodic deviations from the zonal (west-to-east) flow
Jet Streams
Zones of concentrated flow in the upper atmosphere