Regional loss of brain volume in the frontal lobe and cerebellum with shortened telomeres and decreased plasticity, leading to decrease in the ability to think and remember
Fluid intelligence
Procedural and semantic memory remaining stable as working memory and this declines with age
It gets harder for your eye lens to change shape as you age, leading to decreases in vision
As ou age, you see declining sex hormone levels and muscle mass
Intimacy vs isolation
6th Erikson mental stage, early adulthood phase where you decide if you want to establish relationships. If you do, then you form healthy bonds, if you don't, you feel alone, which can mess you up
Generativity vs stagnation
7th Erikson mental stage, middle adulthood. The idea that you want to pay something forward to the next generation, whether through having children or giving back to the community. If you don't you might feel useless and powerless, which can mess you up
Ego integrity vs despair
8th Erikson mental stage, later adulthood. Idea that once you are old and can look back on your life, you feel good about what you've done and can stand by the life you've lived. If you don't, that can make you sad, which can mess you up