Careless lies - thisisbutsimpleandmayberegardedasnobigdealbutthedamageitmaycausetothepersonwhodoesandwouldliedtomay not bethateasytocorrect
Lies told from malice - this is a lie intendedto harm others
Lies of propaganda or poor profit - thisisaliethatiscommontothegovernmentofficialswhichisevidentduringtheelectionalsotocommercialadvertisementwhichdeceivetheconsumeraboutthetruenatureoftheproductinordertogainprofit
Lies of hypocrisy - onthiscasetruth is twistedtosayandmeansomethingwhichisnotso
Contrived flattery of others - thisbecomeslyingwhenitisexaggeratedlyusetogainorwinunduefavorfromtheauthorities
Silence - thisiscommonlyunderstoodasplayingsafe.Itis a liewhenoneremainsilentthoughobligedto speak inordertofreehimorherselffromfurthertrouble
Fivekindsofdefamation - Calumny or slander, detraction, gossip and backbiting, tail bearing, derision
Calumnyorslander - it endures reputation by stories that are not true and consists of accusing a person of false which he or she is not guilty of. In relation, libel is a public defamatory writing. It is more grievous than slander since aside from it is publicly done. It has more permanency than spoken words
Detraction - itisunjustrevelationofthepersonhiddenfaultsortheeffectsblackening his orherreputation.Itisdonewithoutnecessity.
Gossipandbackbiting - it is criticism about real and known effect and by itself it is not unjust however when done with exaggeration of one's fault and malice leading to the defamation of the other it becomes an offense
Talebearing - it is a speech unfavorable to another person secretly made with the purpose of breaking up a good relationship
Derision - it is adjust or prank that accuses another with some defect in his presence with the purpose of putting him to confusion.
What is secret - asecretissomethingthatisknownprivatelytoapersonoronlyoffewpersons
Natural secret - it is a secret that cannot be revealed otherwise it would cause a person harm in reputation honor or influence
Apromised secret - it is a secret that a person promised from another to keep it unknown after he or she learned it
Anentrustedsecretarecommittedsecret - it is a secret that a person promised from another to keep it unknown before he or she learned it
Confessional secret - it is a secret which comes from a professional person. This is commonly known as confidentiality
Sealofconfession - it is a secrecydemanded in the sacrament of penance
Restitution - restoration of something lost or recompense for injury
Whatdoesthechurchcallusaboutlying - the church call us to condemn lying