UNIT 3 - Cognitive Development

Cards (21)

  • Areas subject to measurement
    • Achievement in subjects
    • Disability in learning
    • Intelligence
    • Creativity
    • Aptitude
  • Achievement in subjects

    • The knowledge that the learners have in the subjects they have learnt is often considered as an area that reflects his cognitive development
    • The competency attained by the learners in a subject after it is being taught indicates how much new knowledge he has gained in relation to that subject
  • This assists the teacher to measure the achievement of the learner in an effective manner. The learner's performance in each of these areas measured separately, makes it possible to get a clear picture of his total cognitive development in the subject. Generally, achievement tests are used in measuring the cognitive knowledge of the learner in relation to a subject
  • Disability in learning
    Disorders that affect the ability to understand a concept, which causes difficulty in learning
  • Disability in learning
    • autism
    • hearing and speech impairment
    • vision problems
    • dyslexia
  • Such learning disabilities found among the learners can be measured by observing them in the classroom during the learning process and also by administering diagnostic tests
  • Intelligence
    Helps learners to perceive concepts, comprehend what they have been taught, to solve problems and to actively engage in learning
  • The Intelligence of a person can be influenced by both hereditary and environmental factors
  • Creativity
    The ability to produce original or unusual ideas in creating something new which has not been found before
  • Creativity
    • Creating a variety of art work
    • Paintings on a given topic
    • Making use of different strategies to solve problems
  • Creativity is considered as a part of the cognitive domain in education. It is usually measured by using divergent tests
  • Aptitude
    The natural ability found in an individual for doing something, which can be strongly influenced by education and training
  • If a learner's aptitude can be found during the early years of life it can be developed with increasing age
  • Measurement Techniques of Cognitive Domain

    • Achievement Tests
    • Essay Test
    • Objective Tests
    • Diagnostic Tests
  • Achievement Tests

    Aim to measure students' achievement level in a subject mostly what has been learnt over a longer period of time
  • Open essay tests
    The learner has the freedom to construct the answer according to his wish, permits the learners to be original and creative in their answers
  • Structured essay tests
    The answer prepared by the learner shows the limits of the answer more clearly, questions are framed with a statement as a problem and several questions based on it
  • Objective Tests
    Only tests one thing at a time, associated with discrete test items like gap filling or multiple choice type
  • Objective Test items

    • Short answer questions
    • True or false
    • Multiple choice questions
    • Matching items
  • Diagnostic Tests
    Used to spot the learners' strengths and weakness, determine the extent of a student's knowledge and to identify any potential learning gaps
  • Diagnostic tests are conducted at the start of a learning experience, to help the teacher (and the student) how much they know and don't know about an upcoming topic