Experimental design

Cards (9)

  • Independant measures is where each participant takes part in only one condition allocated randomly to either the experimental or control group
  • Positives of independant measures:
    Less materials needed
    No order effects
    Less chance of demand characteristics
  • Negatives of independant measures:
    More participants needed
    Individual differnces
  • Matched pairs is where different participants are used fro each condition, however they are matched based on variables such as age, gender, and so on which they are pre-tested on.
  • Positives of matched pairs:
    Less chance of individual differnces
    No order effects
    Less chance of demand charcteristics
  • Negatives of matched pairs:
    Matching is difficult
    More pariticipants needed
    Time consuming
  • Repeated measures are where each participant takes part in both conditions and their perfomace is compared
  • Positives of repeated measures:
    Less participants needed
    Removes individual differences
  • Negatives of repeated measures:
    More materials needed
    Order effects