An observation is where a researcher observes and records what they see
Naturalistic observations is watching and recording behaviour in a natural environment
Whats an advantage of a naturalistc observation?
High ecological validity
Findings can be generalised to real behaviour
Whats a disadvantage of a naturalistic observtion?
Cant be replicable
A controlled observation is watching and recording behaviour within a structured envirnoment
Whats an advantage of controlled observation?
Easier to replicte due to control variables
Whats a disadvantage of controlled observation?
Unnatural environment so behaviour is less natural
Covert observations are where the p's are unaware they are being observed
Overt observations are where the p's are aware they are being observed
Whats an advantage of overt observations
possible to get consent
Whats a disadvantage of an overt observation
participants change their behaviour through socail desriability
Whats an advantage of a covert observation
behaviour is natural
What is a disadvantage of a covert observation
cant get consent if they are unaware
Participant observations are where the researcher becomes part of the group whose behaviour is being observed
Non-participant observation is when the researcher does not take part in the study but observes the behaviour of the participants
Whats an advantage of participant observations?
getting more in-depth data as close to the p's
Whats a disadvantage of participant observations?
researchers being oart if the group could effect their objectivity
whats a disadvantage of non-participant observations

researchers may not gain as much infomations or could miss behaviours
whats an advantage of non-participant observations
researchers are more objective
A structured observation is where systems are used to orgainse observations
An unstructured observation is where everything which happens is recorded
Whats a disadvantage of a structured observation
important information may be missed if it does not fit inot a category
whats an advantage of a structured observation

makes recording of data easier and can replicate it
whats an advantage of an unstructued observation
its in a lot of detail
whats an disadvantage of an unstructued observation
may be too much to record so greater risl of researcher bias
Time sampling is when the researcher records the behaviour of participants over a caertain period of time ,for example, every 2 minutes for 10 minutes
Event sampling is where a tally is made for every time a certain behaviour is displayed in one of the pre-determined categories
Observer bias is an issue with validity whihc means that the observer is looking out for certain behaviours. This can be rediced by having more than one observer , using double blind technique
Issues with coding systems ,for example, missing out behavioural categories can be reduced by pilotting the observatio and tweaking the categories