Cards (13)

  • electrons can be found at specific distances
    from the nucleus, called energy levels or electron shells.
  • An
    atom's energy level, represented by the letter n, can assume whole
    number values from n = 1 to infinity.
  • The distance from the nucleus increases with each energy
  • Each energy level can only accommodate a specific number of
  • The number of sublevels in each energy
    level increases with each energy level.
  • Four sublevels
    • s
    • p
    • d
    • f
  • A sublevel is represented by the number of the energy level it
    is in, followed by the letter of the sublevel (e.g., 1s, 2p, or 3d).
    • s=2
    • p=6
    • d=10
    • f=14
  • The
    probable distribution of electrons around the nucleus
    among the orbitals is called electron configuration.
  • Electron configuration is the shorthand representation
    of how each electron is arranged among the orbitals,
    levels, and sublevels based on the stated principles.
  • ground state electron configuration is the most stable and the normal way atoms exist.
  • The Aufbau (a German word that means "building up or
    construction") principle states that electrons fill first the orbitals of
    the lowest energy (ground state) until any added electrons occupy
    the available orbital of higher energy (excited state).
  • The noble gasses (Group 8A) are located in the far right of the periodic table and were previously
    referred to as the "inert gasses" because their filled valence shells (octets) make them extremely non-
    reactive. They are helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon.