Greece Case Study

Cards (19)

  • Where do refugees travel from?

    Turkey,Syria,Afghanistan,Iraq or Somalia
  • How many arrived from January to August 2016 and how many were children
    240,000-a quarter were children
  • Dangerous journey

    smugglers take them across the Mediterranean often in overcrowded boats
  • What is an example of the overcrowded camp?

    Moira Camp
  • What are the conditions of the overcrowded camps?

    limited food and shelter up to 30 people living in a shelter made from a shipping container
  • How are immigrant children affected education-wise
    Limited education
  • What is a fear immigrants have to constantly deal with?
    Being sent back
  • What are the two possible options for refugees

    those who gain refugee status can move into the other countries like Germany while others are sent back to Turkey
  • What does the slow pace of the process do?

    Increase crime/number who join extremist movements
  • What are issues for children?
    protection issues as many travel alone and may be exploited
  • Why are immigrants being attacked?
    Greece enters its 7th year in recession so xenophobia is high
  • What is the unemployment rate in Greece?
    25 percent unemployment
  • Example of limited support from other euro countries
    Idomeni Camp at the border with Macedonian housing 12,000 people
  • What's a political party example of anti immigrant beliefs
    Neo Nazi Golden Dawn Party
  • How many refugees in 2017
  • How does immigration threaten the national economy
    pressure on Greek tourism
  • How many arrive every day
  • How many arrive in Lesvos every day
  • How did arrivals in Lesvos grow?

    737 in January 2015 to over 7,200 in May