Display of peptide on cell surface in association with MHC
Antigen presentation functions
Arming effector T cells
Triggering their effector functions to attack pathogen-infected cells
Topologically distinct compartments in cells
Intracellularpathogens (viruses, some bacteria) bind to MHC class I and present to CD8+T cells
Extracellular pathogens, intravesicular pathogens bind to MHC class II and present to CD4+ T cells
Pathways for antigen processing and presentation
2 pathways
Peptide generation from ubiquitinated proteins in the cytosol
1. Proteasome
2. Constitutive proteasome
3. Immunoproteasome
Peptide transport and processing before binding to MHC class I
1. Transported by TAP into ER
2. Further processed
3. Bind to MHC class I
MHC class I peptide loading in ER
Calnexin chaperone keeps alpha chain unfolded
Calreticulin/ERp57 chaperone binds complete MHC class I and tapasin
Tapasin bridges class I and TAP
Peptide binding stabilizes MHC
ERAAP trims peptide to 8-10aa
Dendritic cells present exogenous proteins on MHC class I to prime CD8 T cells
Peptide:MHC class II complex generation
1. In acidified endocytic vesicles
2. From proteins obtained through endocytosis, phagocytosis, and autophagy
Invariant chain
Directs newly synthesized MHC class II molecules to acidifiedintracellular vesicles
Regulate exchange of CLIP for other peptides on MHC class II
MHC can present many different types of peptides because it is polygenic and highly polymorphic
MHC class I genes
HLA-A α chain
HLA-B α chain
HLA-C α chain
MHC class II genes
HLA-DP α and β
HLA-DQ α and β
HLA-DR α and β
Genes involved in immune function like complement and cytokines are encoded by the MHC
MHC class I and class II genes
Highly polymorphic
6 copies of MHC class I (a chain)
6-8 copies of MHC class II (a and b chain)
4 MHC class II molecules and 3 MHC class I molecules from each chromosome are expressed on the cell surface
HLA is inherited as a unit (haplotype) and MHC expression is co-dominant
Polymorphism and polygeny contribute to the diversity of MHC molecules expressed by an individual
MHC polymorphism
Affects antigen recognition by T cells by influencing peptide binding and T-cell receptor contacts
MHC polymorphism extends the range of antigens to which the immune system can respond
cell recognition of antigens is MHC restricted
MCH is composed of two subunits no matter if its MCH I or II
alpha and beta subunits
MCH I or II is always on the surface of cells
usually holding self peptides
Proteasome, 2 forms
degrades misfolded proteins
Problem with proteasomes and peptides
They are in the cytosol and get stuck until the binding domain arrives via transporter. Needs peptides
Exogenous AG are expressed by MHC I
usually only happens in MCH II
MHC is a maker for itself
for self vs non self
How do peptides associate?
MHC has alpha beta chains, co-translated in the ER, beta and alpha must interact and bind to each other to form MCH I
functions as bridge between TAP and Erp57
Peptides assoc with MHC I in the lumen, ERAAP trims peptides works in
lumen. Once peptides bound to MCH I it now adopts mature conformation. No chaperone needed
Why is exogenous AG expressed by MCH I ?(Cellular pathway)
necrotic cells "epithelial" infected with virus, phagocytic cells take necrotic cell and phagocytose it by dendritic cells and ends up in a phagolysosome and breaks/destroys into small peptides
Vesicular pathway
peptides in phagolysosome by fusing to vesicle and transfer peptides and assoc with MHC I
Endosomal pathway
pH is not acidic but moving thru it gets more acidic
Inactive protease activate
in low pH
MHC II variability is found in beta chain only
binds peptides assoc, extending variability presenting to AG