Week7 - Behavioural Finance

Cards (13)

  • what two components are involved in rational behaviour
    i. beliefs
    ii. actions
  • what are most biases and deviations from rationality caused by
    emotions rather than cognitive limitations hence even when we are aware of bias it may still be hard to avoid them
  • what does arbitrage require
    arbitrage is usually limited in the sense that looking for arbitrage opportunities is costly and often requires hedging - its often impossible to find the right stock that will do perfect hedging
  • what is the evidence for limited arbitrage
    when a stock enters the NASDAQ index its value appreciates by 3.5% on average in the same trading day and most of this increase survives in the long-run
  • what are the two main causes of limited rationality at the level of beliefs
    i. incorrect internalisation of information
    ii. weak probabilistic intuition
  • what probabilities do we give to events which are salient, and close in time and space
    we give more weight to events which are recent in time and closer in space and also to those events which are salient
  • what is the evidence towards stiffness of beliefs
    after we are endowed with a certain belief, it is hard to change them - we tend to be against seeking more evidence. we also tend to underestimate the new evidence which speaks against our beliefs and interpret it wrongly so it can support our beliefs
  • what do people with depression tend to do regarding wishful thinking and overconfidence
    they are better able to assess the likelihood of negative and positive events
  • what do people tend to think about gains and losses
    people would portray a loss of £1000 much worse than its gain
  • what characteristics does regret have
    i. its an evolutionary mechanism for learning and internalising mistakes
    ii. regret due to an action that caused us loss is greater than regret towards a similar loss due to failing to act
    iii. regret from a mistake shared by a group is less severe
    iv. regret is greater the closer we were to doing the right thing
  • what is mental discounting
    preferring 99p today rather £1 tomorrow
  • explain the demand effect
    the tendency to respond to questionnaires insincerely to avoid embarrassment. participants will assess what the researcher is expecting as an answer or what the correct answer is.
  • why are questionnaires worse than games
    games allow us to avoid questions and focus on what the agent does rather than what they say