Provide attachment for anterior tips of ribs, Increase in length through first 7 and then gradually decrease, First 7 attach directly to the sternum, 8th to 10th articulate with the costal cartilage superior to them, 11th and 12th form caps but don't attach anywhere
Separate ribs and costal cartilages, Named according to the rib forming the superior border, Occupied by intercostal muscles, membranes, main intercostal vessels and nerves, collateral intercostal vessels and nerves
Bounded by T12 posteriorly, 11th and 12th ribs posterolaterally, Costal margins anterolaterally, Xiphisternal joint anteriorly, Oblique due to posterior wall being much longer than anterior wall
Passes inferiorly and laterally to sternum between costal cartilages and transversus thoracis to divide into superior epigastric and musculophrenic arteries