family theorists

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  • Murdock
    4 functions of the family
  • Parsons
    Warm bath theory
    when a man comes home from a busy day of work, his family provides him with stress relief and relaxation; just as a warm bath would
  • Parsons
    Functionalist Fit thesis/ industrialisation
    each family is created to 'fit' the society at the time
  • Zaretsky
    Family as a unit of consumption,
    family consume product by bourgeoisie
  • Engels
    Marxist- inheritance of property, fathers wanted sons as heirs to their business.
    reproduces class inequality
  • Althusser
    Ideological state apparatus
    the nuclear family teachers its members to accept imbalances of power in society
  • Ansley
    marxist feminist - Women are takers of shit
  • Benston
    Marxist feminist -reserve army of labour
    women are usually in low paid jobs, easily replaceable and employers maintain low wages
    e.g cleaning, clerical, catering, caring, cashiering
  • Oakley
    feminist - dual burden
    found women still did most of the housework even thought both partners were employed
    men still resisted doing housework
  • Duncombe and Marsden

    Triple shift
    1 emotional work
    2 domestic work
    3 paid work
    women do all three
  • poulantzas
    marxist - ideological functions
    family is a part of the ISA, control and create values to support capitalism
  • ferri & smith
    feminists- found women had little impact on division of labour
  • Greer
    Radical feminist - argues for a matrilocal household - having heterosexual relationships is 'sleeping with the enemy
  • somerville
    Liberal feminist - legal changes improved women's position, but there is a cultural lag - it will eventually catch up
  • young, wilmott and laslett

    marxists- argue parsons theory
    the most common family form in the pre-industrial communities he studied was not the extended family but the nuclear family.