personal life perspective

Cards (9)

  • personal life perspectives
    • smart
    • may
  • may
    • family diversity has led to functions of the family being fulfilled by others
    • people construct their own networks of family
    • unlike giddens and beck, she sees the structures of society are not disappearing by being re-shaped only fulfilled by other roles
  • personal life perspective

    influenced by interactionist theories
    we should focus on the meanings people give to relationships and what we define as family
    family is now beyond blood or marriage ties
    marriage no longer a binding obligation in society
  • smart
    connected thesis
    people can develop meaningful relationships with those outside of the family
    usually stronger than blood related family
    found 5 concepts of personal life
    1. memory
    2. biography
    3. embeddedness
    4. relationality
    5. imaginary
  • memory
    concept of personal life
    families provide context for painful or joyful memories
    memories that are meaningful can shape family
  • biography
    concept of personal life
    our life history influences the family we create
    e.g classmates, colleagues
  • embeddedness
    concept of personal life
    how close and connected we are with people
  • relationality
    concept of personal life
    how well we get on with people
    e.g conflict with blood relatives
  • imaginary
    concept of personal life
    refers to the way in which relationships are perceived by individuals
    how important we think the relationship is