A process of bone development from hyaline cartilage, all of the bones of the body, except for the flat bones of the skull, mandible and clavicles are formed through endochondral ossification
The removal of old bone by cells called osteoclast and the deposition of new bone by osteoblast, occurs in all bone and is responsible for bone growth, changes in bone shape, adjustment of bone to stress, bone repair, and calcium ion regulation
A process in which a bone repairs itself following a bone fracture, involving the formation of a clot, callus, and the remodeling of cancellous bone to compactbone
Bone serves as the major storage site for calcium, the movement of calcium in and out of bone helps determine blood calcium levels, calcium homeostasis is maintained by parathyroid hormone and calcitonin
Bones of children are inadequately mineralized causing softened, weakened bones, bowed legs and deformities, caused by insufficient calcium in the diet, or by vitamin D deficiency
Bones are inadequately mineralized causing softened, weakened bones, main symptom is pain when weight is put on the affected bone, caused by insufficient calcium in the diet, or by vitamin D deficiency
A group of diseases in which bone reabsorption outpaces bone deposit, spongy bone of the spine is most vulnerable, occurs most often in postmenopausal women, bones become so fragile that sneezing or stepping off a curb can cause fractures
Lateral curvature of the central part of the spine, brought on by congenitally malformed vertebra, chronic sciatica, paralysis of muscles on one side of the backbone, or poor posture
A degenerative joint disease in which the cartilage that covers the ends of the bones in the joint deteriorates, symptoms include pain, restriction of movement, formation of hard nobs