Macbeth quotes xx

Cards (123)

  • Fair is foul and foul, is fair hover through the fog and filthy air- all witches
  • Thunder and lightning-stage direction
  • And fixed his head upon our battlements-captain

    macbeth Kills a traiter this foreshadows his own death in the play
  • Doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe-captain

    At the beginning Macbeth is praised for his bloodthirsty behaviour the irony is that his violence will eventually cause his downfal
  • What he hath lost, noble Macbeth hath won-Duncan

    Lost and won mirrors the witches language this suggest that the witches can predict the future and it hints at there powers
  • I’ll drain Him dry as hay: shall sleep neither night nor day-first witch

    The witches curse a sailor and send him a storm to stop him sleeping. This foreshadows how Macbeth will be made sleepless with guilt and worry
  • So foul and fair a day I have not seen-Macbeth

    The first line Macbeth speaks in the play is a echoes of what the witches say in act 1 scene 1 this hints that Macbeths fate is linked with the witches
  • All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee, thane of Cawdor-second witch

    this is an example of dramatic irony the audience already know that this part of the witches prophecy has already come true
  • “Lesser than Macbeth, and greater”.-first witch- “not so happy, yet much happier”-second witch- “thou shall get kings though thou be none “

    The witches talk in riddles and parrodoxes to mislead Macbeth and banquo
  • Wither are they vanished-banquo
    went it not so- Macbeth
    Macbeth and Baquo repeatidly ask questions this shows there confusion
  • And often times to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles,to betrays In deepest consequence- banquo
    Banquo is more suspicious of the witches prophecies than Macbeth-he believes they are telling the truth,but that they will betray them
  • If good, why do I yield to that suggestion, whose horrid image doth unfix my hair and make my seared heart knock at my ribs against the use of nature- Macbeth

    Macbeth is already starting to think about killing Duncan however he is shocked by the thought
  • There’s no art to find the minds construction in the face: he was a gentleman in whom I built an absolute trust-Duncan
    Duncan says that people may seem good and trustworthy but they might not be this is ironic because he misjudged macbeth
  • let me enfold thee and hold thee to my heart-Duncan
    Macbeth gets land money title and estate banquo gets a hug
  • For in my way it lies.stars,hide your fires, let not light see my black heat and deep desires;the eye wink at the hand.yet let that be,which the eye fears,when it is done, to see-Macbeth

    Macbeth speaks in rhyming couplets as he exits this emphasi the importance of his words it’s also similar to the way the Witches speak this highlights his evil intentions
  • He is so full and valiant-duncan
    it is a peerless kinsman-Duncan
    Duncan praises Macbeth and says Macbeth is without equal Duncan is portrayed as a genorous grateful king this makes his murder seem even more treacherous
  • LADY MACBETH (reads)

    Women during the 1700 often wernt expected or allowed to read this shows lady Macbeth is pwerfull
  • Yet I Do fear thy nature, it is to fill o‘th’milk of human kindness- lady Macbeth 

    Lady Macbeth a assumes Macbeth will hesitate to kill Duncan suggesting Macbeth isn’t totally evil also suggesting lady Macbeth undermines him and also feminises him
  • Come, you spirits that tend in mortal thought, unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe topfull Of direst cruelty- lady Macbeth
    smoke of hell - lady Macbeth
    Lady macbeth dark and terrifying soliloquy shows how evil she is her refrences to spirits and hell links her to the witches
    she wishes to be more masculine
  • Come to my womans breasts and take my milk for fall, you murd’ring ministers-lady Macbeth
    Gall is poison suggesting she would kill her own child
  • Great glamis,worthy Cawdor, greater than both by all-hail hereafter-lady Macbeth
    Lady macbeths greeting echoes the witches language shows she’s 2 faced false face false heart
  • To beguile the time look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, your hand , your tongue;look like th’innocent flower but be the surpent under’t-lady Macbeth 

    Lady macbeth encourages Macbeth to deceive Duncan by pretending to be something he’s not
  • This castle hath a pleasant seat;the air nimbly sweetly recommends itself unto our gentle senses-duncan
    Duncan comment on how pleasant and welcoming macbeths castle is this is ironic because the audience knows that Macbeths are actually plotting to kill him
  • Those honours deep and broad wherewith your majesty loads our house-lady Macbeth
    Lady Macbeth flatters Duncan and thanks him for his genorosity this contrasts with the previous science showing how false lady Macbeth is
  • But in theese cases we still have judgement here that we teach bloody instructions,which bieng taught,return to plaque th‘invenor this even handed justice commends th’ingredience of our poisened chalice to our own lips-Macbeth
    Macbeth comments that murders themselves get murder this foreshadows his own death in the play
  • That his virtues will plead like angles, trumpet-tongued against the deep damnation of his taking off-Macbeth 

    Macbeth recognises that Duncan is a good king and righteous makes Macbeth feels guilty about his plan to murder him
  • I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent,but only vaulting ambition which o’erleaps itself and falls th’other-Macbeth

    I have no reason to kill Duncan except my own ambition and ambition causes people to rush towards there downfall
  • I have given sick and know how tender ‘‘tis to love the babe that milks me:I would, while it was smiling in my face have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this - lady macbeth

    lady Macbeths image of a mother murdering her incident child emphasises how evil she is also women were suppodeadly on earth to birth children
  • When we have marked with blood those sleepy two of his own chamber and used there very daggers,that they have done’t-Macbeth
    Lady Macbeth mainipulates Macbeth into agreeing to the murder even though he decided against it this hints he is easily influenced or that he didn’t need much convincing
  • Each corporal agent to this terrible feat- Macbeth

    Act one ends with anticipation the audience knows the murder is going to happen but they don’t know when this builds susspense
  • act 2- their candles are all out-banquo
    There are no stars Shining this image is used several times in the play to link evil with darkness
  • Act 2- so I lose none in seeking to argument it,but still keep my bosom franchised and allegiance clear,I shall be counselled -banquo

    Banquo says he will only help if he can keep his conscious clear which is more important to him than his ambition
  • act 2- mine eyes are made the fools o’ the other sense-Macbeth

    Macbeth isn’t sure whether the dagger he sees is real or not it’s not clear to the audience wether the witches have created the hallucinations or he could have imagined it also could be ptsd
  • Act 2- Had he not resembled my father as he slept,I had don’t’t-lady Macbeth

    Lady Macbeth's endearment to her "father as he slept" suggests some compassion and loving attributes, portraying her as somewhat weakened by her femininity which is uncommon at these early stages of the play as she is mostly characterized as ruthless, powerful and manipulative, possibly implying that she is not as lacking of guilt and mercy as she often seems, foreshadowing her mental breakdown due to intense guilt later in the play (act 5, scene 1).
  • Act2 - when?- macbeth
    now-lady Macbeth
    macbeth and lady Macbeth speak in very short sentences there language suggests there nervous and afraid of bieng caught
  • Act2- methought I heard a voice cry, ‘sleep no more Macbeth does murder sleep’, -Macbeth

    In act 1 scene three the witches say that theyll stop the captain If the tiger from sleeping the witches could be talking to MacbethSleep no more! ' This shows that Macbeth is so guilty that he will never be able to sleep again
  • Act2- why did you bring theese daggers from the place they must lie there-lady Macbeth
    lady Macbeth takes charge of the situation she thinks clearly and rationally about how to cover there tracks
  • act2- will all great neptunes ocean wash this blood clean. From my hand no this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incardine making the green one red-Macbeth 

    Macbeths words for shadow lady macbeths desperate attempts to wash her hands in act 5 scene 1
  • act 2- my hands are off your colour but I shame to wear a heart so white-lady Macbeth

    lady Macbeth shames Macbeth for bieng cowardly after killing Duncan as he feels guilty and as if Ken cannot rid of his blood but in act 5 scene 1 lady Macbeth cannot remove the blood from her own hands
  • Act 2-Knock, knock, knock. who’s there i’th’name of ? here’s a farmer that hanged himself on the expectation of plenty-porter
    the Porter pretends to be the gate keeper to hell this emphasises that evil things have happened at Macbeths castle