The law of inertia: An object at rest or travelling in uniform motion will remain at rest or travelling in uniform motion unless acted upon by a net force; The more mass a body has (not weight) the more resistant it is to change its motion
A body will remain in a state of uniform motion/rest until affected by a force acting on it; An object can only have momentum when it is moving. The larger its mass the more momentum it has
The law of acceleration: A force acting on a body will produce acceleration proportional to the applied force (Force= Mass x acceleration; F=ma); Acceleration - the rate of change in velocity
Length represents size of force (Bodyweight = hip height in standing); Direction of arrow = direction of force; Centre of pressure (bottom or arrow) shows where force acts
Equilibrium: the resultant forces and moments acting on the body are equal to zero (all inertial and dynamic forces are in balance); Stability: A stable body returns to its starting position after displacement; An unstable body continues to displace under the force of gravity once a force of short duration has been applied; Neutral stability
Line of gravity: a vertical line passing through the centre of gravity/MASS; Base of support: represented by a line drawn around the surface area of the body part that is resting on a supporting surface, and the space between