Clare 1

Cards (18)

  • rational/value-based decision making
    - utility (choose highest outcome)
    - subjective
    - uncertainty (if x, how likely is y)
  • subjective expected utility theory
    in making decisions, people will seek to increase highest outcome

    calculate expected utility of each option
  • prospect theory (Kahneman & Tversky)

    make decisions based on potential gains and losses rather than on final outcomes

    people tend to be risk-averse when faced with gains and risk-seeking when faced with losses
  • loss aversion
    we feel stronger about losses than gains

    they have greater weight than potential gains
  • gains example
    1. get £100
    2. 50% chance winning £200 or nothing
    (expected value of both is £100)

    most people don't take risk
  • losses example
    1. lose £100
    2. 50% chance losing £200 or nothing
    (expected value of both is £100)

    most people take risk
  • diminishing marginal value

    while gains increase in absolute value, the additional subjective value they provide diminishes

    people risk less
  • convex for losses

    perceived pain of losses increases at an accelerating rate as the magnitude of the loss increases

    take greater risks to avoid larger losses
  • choosing a medical treatment (McNeil et al 1982)

    survival frame: after surgery/radiation treatment - 70 alive first year, 35 at 5yrs

    82% choose surgery

    mortality rate: 30 die first year, 65 at 5yrs

    56% choose surgery
  • Framing Effects and Preference Reversals

    People tend to be risk averse when the outcome is framed as a gain and risk-seeking when the outcome is framed as a loss
    violates the principle of invariance:people’s choices should depend on the situation, not on the way it is described
  • reference point for gains and losses

    Gains and losses are calculated from a reference point - usually our current situation

    Losses are given greater weight in decisions than gains

    shifting the reference point can lead to different judgments
  • endowment effect

    when ownership increases the value of an item
  • endowment effect mug study (Kahneman, Knetsch & Thaler 1990)
    sellers given mug, decide how much they'd sell it for

    buyers asked how much they'd buy one for

    sellers - $7.12, 3/4 kept mug
    buyers - $2.87, 1/4 bought mug
  • disjunction effect

    the decision maker has good reasons for accepting x if A occurs and different reasons for accepting x if A does not occur

    eg buying holiday for passing exams / cheering up after failing
  • sure thing principle

    If we prefer X to Y in any state of the world then we should prefer X to Y when the state of the world is uncertain

    disjunction effect violates this sometimes
    (when picking to pay extra for holiday offer to stay open)
  • Reason Based Choice

    People look for reasons or arguments to support their decisions

    People may make the same decision but for a different reason (disjunction)

    Vacation problem - Pass = to celebrate
    Fail =to cheer up, Uncertainty = no reason
  • asymmetric dominance

    When the addition of a third inferior choice increases the sales of the second.

    A- 60 for 3.99
    B- 70 for 4.99
    C- 70 for 5.99
  • paradox of choice
    abundance of options requires more effort to choose and leaves us unsatisfied with choice

    6 jams - 30% bought, more satisfied
    24 jams - 3% bought, less satisfied