Data that involve one variable is called univariatedata.
Univariatedata are often described using measures of central tendency (mean or average, mode, and median), variations, or other descriptive statistics.
Data that involve two variables are called bivariatedata.
The statistical procedure used to determine and describe the relationship between two variables is called correlation analysis.
Ascatterplot, scatter graph, scatter diagram, or scattergram is a graphical representation that shows the relationship or the correlation of two variables of bivariate data.
Scatter plot shows how points collected from a set of bivariate data are scattered on a Cartesian plane.
Theindependentvariable will assume the values of x or abscissa while the dependentvariable will assume the values of y or ordinate.
Scatter Plot - graphof two variables in arectangular coordinateplane displaying arelationship betweenthe two variables
Input Variable(x)independent variable.
controlled variable
Cannot be affected by other variable
outputvariable (Y)
dependent variable
results from the controlled variable.
affected by changes in the independent variable
TheFORMOFPOINTS in the scatter plot determines the shape ofTHE CORRELATION OF THE VARIABLES.
The TREND determines the direction of the points, either thevariables have POSITIVE, NEGATIVE, OR NOCORRELATION.
The variation or strength of correlation is based on thecloseness of the points on a trend line and it determineswhether the variables have no, weak, moderate, strong, orperfect correlation.
The correlation of the variables can be described in terms ofform (shape), trend (direction), and variation (strength)of scatter plot.
The form of correlation can be determined by the shape ofpoints on a scatter plot categorized as linear or curvilinear.
The form of correlation is linear if the points on scatter plotfollow a trend of straightline.
The form of scatter plot is non-linear if the points follow a trendof curve line.
exists when highvalues of one variablecorrespond to highvalues of anothervariable or low valuesof one variablecorrespond to lowvalues of anothervariable.
A positive correlation
exists when highvalues of one variablecorrespond to lowvalues of anothervariable or low valuesof one variablecorrespond to highvalues of anothervariable.
A negativecorrelation
existswhen high values ofone variablecorrespond to eitherhigh or low values ofanother variable.
A negligiblecorrelation
This correlation exists whenalmost all of the points are onthe line or the points areclosely scattered on thetrend line that rises from leftto right.
Compared to strong positivecorrelation, the points in thiscorrelation are scattered a bitfar from the trend line fromleft to right.
Weak Positive
The points in this correlationdo not follow any trend line.The points are just scatteredaround the Cartesian plane.
No CorrelationorNegligibleCorrelation
This correlation exists whenthe points are moderatelyscattered rising from right toleft.
Weak NegativeCorrelation
This correlation exists when the points are moderately scattered rising from right toleft.
This correlation exists whenalmost all of the points are onthe line or the points areclosely scattered on thetrend line that rises fromright to left.
Strong NegativeCorrelation
Outlier – is an unusual observation that is extremely high or extremelylow. In a scatter plot, an outlier is a point that is far from the clusterof other points.
HypothesisTesting is a process wherein we make decisions in evaluating claims about the population based on the characteristics of a sample taken from the same population.
A test hypothesis where the alternative hypothesis is one-sided is called a one-tailed test.
If the alternative hypothesis is two-sided, then we call it a two-tailedtest.
THE CELL - Smallest unit of living things
Perform life functions.
- Capable of exchanging materials with the
surroundingDiverse but have common characteristics