Neuro final

Cards (102)

  • Cortical neurons are derived from neural progenitors called radial glial cells
  • Asymmetrical cell division can produce neural precursors
  • Cortical neurons are born on the vesicle walls of the developing brain
  • Cortical neurons may migrate tangentially to their final destination or they may migrate radially to their final destination
  • Layer II of the cortical later will develop fitst
  • Semaphorin 3A is found at higher concentration at the outer surface of the cortex
  • Semaphorin 3A shapes the polarity of pyramidal neurons and attracts dendritic outgrowth
  • A high level of Emx2 expression leads to development of visual cortex and influences expression of other genes
  • Neurites is the term for a developing axon or dendrite at an early stage of growth
  • The following molecules may be found in a growth cone: actin, netrin receptor, robo
  • Slit is a chemorepellent
  • Netrin in a chemoattractant
  • Axon terminals from the temporal retina -> anterior tectum
  • Axon terminals from the nasal retina -> posterior tectum
  • High ephrin concentration -> posterior tectum
  • low ephrin conc. -> anterior tectum
  • Axons from nasal retina neurons like growing on anterior tectum tissue and posterior tectum tissue
  • Nerve growth factor is a trophic factor
  • Agrin is secreted by a growth cone, it drives the clustering of ACh receptors and are important in the formation of neuromuscular junctions
  • Agrin does not bind to ACh receptors
  • If retinal activity is silenced during development, then retinal axons project all over the LGN
  • According to the principles of Hebbian plasticity, which of the following scenarios led to this synaptic rearrangement?

    Neuron B and the target cell were active at the same time
  • Monocular deprivation during the critical period results in a loss of binocular cells in striate cortex
  • Monocular deprivation during the critical period results in a loss of ocular dominance columns activated by stimulation of the closed eye
  • In terms of layer III of striate cortex, a period of strabismus results in a decrease on binocular neurons
  • Synaptic transmission is not necessary for neuronal proliferation, migration and differentiation into specific brain areas
  • Synaptic transmission is not necessary for segregation of cortical neurons into their correct layers
  • Synaptic transmission is not necessary for correct targeting of fiber pathways
  • Synaptic transmission is not necessary for formation of synaptic structures in the neocortex
  • The Ofstad et al. experiment is most reminiscent of the Morris water maze
  • In the probe trial, there was no cool tile
  • The ellipsoid body is critical for Drosophila visual place learning
  • When you first moved into your house, you got startled every time the train rolled by. Over the next few says, you became less and less startled by each passing train. This is an example of what kinds of learning?
  • What is the specific term for the kind of learning in the question about the train track?
  • One day, a cargo train utilizes the tracks near your house. You are very startled because it it much louder than the typical passenger trains that utilizes the tracks. For the rest of the day, yo are startled by the trains rolling by. What is the most specific term, for thus kind of learning?
  • Remembering that the cell body of a neuron is known as the "soma", is what type of body?
  • Recalling the feeling you had at your high school graduation, is what type of memory?
    declarative, episodic
  • What types of memory can generally be accessed for conscious recollection?
    declarative, episodic, semantic, explicit
  • The activity of which two cells represents working memory?
    bottom cell
  • The process of converting short-term memories into long-term memories is called consolidation