
Cards (18)

  • What is the definition of stress?
    Psychological and physical strain or tension generated by physical, emotional, social, economic or occupational situations/events that are difficult to cope with or manage.
  • What are the two main elements of stress?
    1. Stress as a physical response (Selye)
    2. Stress as a psychological response (Lazarus and Folkman)
  • What is the physical response?
    Fight or flight
  • What did Selye
    General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
  • What are the 3 stages of GAS?
    1. Alarm
    2. Resistance
    3. Exhaustion
  • What happens in the alarm reaction?
    The fight or flight response is triggered as the threat is perceived and a response is made to alarm in the form of HPA and SAM activation, stress related hormones are produced e.g. adrenaline.
  • What happens during the resistance stage?
    Your body adapts to the continued presence of the stressor whilst resources are being depleted. The body appears to be coping however its deteriorating.
  • What happens during the exhaustion stage?
    - body functions are no longer able to maintain a response to the stressor; e.g. high blood pressure
    - the end of this stage results in recovery or death
  • What does Yerkes Dodson say about stress?
    It can be beneficial (eustress), can have a positive effect on health and motivation.
  • Stress as a psychological response, how does Lazarus and Folkman define stress?
    An interaction between a person and the environment. (transactional model of stress)
  • What is primary appraisal?
    This means whether the threat or stressor is significant to the individual specifically, if its harmful or challenging.
  • What is secondary appraisal?
    This means whether you have the resources to deal with this threat/stressor.
  • What are the 3 types of stress?
    1. acute
    2. episodic
    3. chronic
  • What is acute stress?
    • A short-term stress with a quick resolution e.g. sitting an exam
    • The type of stress our body handles the best
    Fight or flight
  • What is episodic stress?
    Regularly experiencing stressful situations that start and end. (experiencing acute stress frequently)
  • What is chronic stress?
    stress associated with long-term problems that are beyond a person's control
  • How does stress affect a person phsycially?
    Stress can make you function poorly and become ill due to high blood pressure, damage to immune system and coronary heart disease.

    Physical effects are a result of over arousal of the bodys systems.

    Acute and Chronic stress can lead to long term physical illness.
  • How does stress affect a person psychcologically?
    Stress can cause low self esteem, anxiety and depression, which can lead to changes in lifestyles e.g. drinking.