individual - hardiness

Cards (6)

  • Who proposed the idea of hardiness and what is hardiness?
    Kobasa; hardiness is an aspect of personality, a set of characteristics some people have.

    Her coworker Maddi; hardiness gives us existential courage to deal with stress and the determination to keep going despite all the setbacks of life and uncertainties.
  • What are the 3 Cs that make up a hardy personality?

    These help deal with stress, which is the definition of a hardy personality.
  • What was Maddis research on hardiness?
    Procedure -
    -several years studying 400 managers and supervisers at a telephone company in the US.
    -the company underwent a reorganisation, many loosing jobs, and those who stayed became very stressed.

    Findings -
    -there were 3 significant declines in performance and health in about two-thirds of ppts.
    -outcomes included heart attacks, strokes, depression
    -one third of managers flourished, health did not deterioate, felt happier, and loved the work load
    -the managers scored higher on the three Cs, the reorganisation was a challenge to them that they were able to overcome.
  • Evaluation - real world application

    - Bartone; measured hardiness in candidates applying for positions in the US army special forces. Applicants underwent a 4 week tough programme. Researchers found those who passed had high levels of hardiness. The US now applies people with high hardiness.
    - knowledge of hardiness can be useful within certain jobs.
  • Evaluation - research support
    - Contrada; studied cardiovascualr responses in men to a stressful task in lab conditions. Those who had high level of hardiness had low levels of blood pressure in response to a stressor (also had type B personailty).
    - This shows hardiess can protect people from stress related illness.
  • Evaluation - concept too broad
    - disagreement over relative contributions of the 3 Cs.
    - Hull; recommended research only focus on control, this because there is a large amount of research that focuses on the importance of personal control