individual - type A and B personalities

Cards (9)

  • What are characteristics of Type A personailty?
    - hostile
    - impulsive
    - rapid movements
    - competitive
    - time urgency
  • What are characteristics of Type B personailty?
    - slower speech
    - relaxed
    - flexible
  • Who introduced links between personailty/stress/illness?
    Freidman and Rosenman
    - treated patients with CHD
    - came to the conclusion that CHD might be associated with personalities (Type A)
  • What was the Western Collaborative Group Study (WCGS)?
    This was Freidman and Rosenmans prospective study of men living in California.
  • What was the procedure of WCGS?
    3154 men were medically assessed as free of CHD at the start of the study.

    Personality type was assessed by 25 questions in a structured interview, these questions consisted of everyday irritations e.g. late bus.

    Interviews were conducted in a way to incite Type A personality.
  • What were the findings of WCGS?
    8 years later 257 men developed CHD, 70% of them had Type A personality, double the amount of Type Bs.

    Type A people had higher levels of stress hormones, adrenaline and noradrenaline and higher blood pressure.

    The impatience and hostility of Type A, are vulnerable to stressors.
  • Evaluation - type c personailty
    not everyone fits into type a or b personalities.

    type c was proposed to be linked with cancer, Tmoshok.

    type C people are described as manifesting pathological niceness, theyre people pleasers, strive to be compliant, self sacrificing.

    they achieve this by repressing their own emotions e.g. anger.
  • evaluation - type c personailty

    what did Dattore et al find?
    Dattore found;

    - studied 200 veterians, 75 cancer paitents, 125 control group.
    - they measured scales of repression of emotions before diagnosis.
    - cancer paitents reproted signifcantly more emotional regression than non cancer patients.
  • evaluation - problems with type A personality
    limitation -
    - type A concept is too broad.
    - A personailty has too many traits, and researchers tend to focus on hostility component to link stress and CHD.