Reduction in light transmission by particles in suspension
Disinfectant Residual (Chlorine)
Remaining chlorine after disinfection
Visual comparison method
Comparing sample color to standards
Measures light scattered by particles
Measures reduction in light transmission by particles
Determining mass by weighing
Chemical reaction produces colored substance that absorbs light
Measures light absorbed by ground-state atoms
Atoms absorb light of specific wavelength and emit light of longer wavelength
Chemical reaction produces light. Oxidation of luminol
Measures reduction in light transmission by particles in suspension
Similar to turbidity, measures light scattered by particles
Laury Tryptose Broth (LTB)
Medium for detecting and enumerating coliforms
Laury Tryptose Broth (LTB)
Tryptose provides nitrogen
Lactose is a fermentable sugar
Sodium lauryl sulphate inhibits non-coliforms
Salts inhibit gram-positive bacteria
Sodium chloride maintains osmotic balance
Potassium phosphates control pH
Positive indole test and gas production at 44°C indicates presence of E. coli
Competent and experienced professional with specialized skills related to the laboratory category
Head of laboratory
Responsible for operation of entire laboratory, personnel, functions, and data meeting quality assurance and regulatory requirements
NRL-EOHTM trained with appropriate degree and at least 2 years experience in relevant water testing procedures
Allowed analyst professionals
Registered Medical Technologist
Certified Microbiologist
Registered Food Technologist
Registered Chemist
Registered Chemical Technician under supervision of Registered Chemist
Government LDWA
Operated and maintained partially or wholly by national, provincial, city, municipal government, or other political unit
Private LDWA
Privately owned, established and operated with funds through donation, principal, investment or other means
Institution based LDWA
Located within and operates as part of a DOH licensed health facility
Operates independently and is not attached to any DOH licensed health facility
LDWA Classifications by Service Capability
Microbiological LDWA
Detects and enumerates coliform organisms (Total coliform, thermotolerant coliforms/E.coli, and HPC) in water samples
Physico-Chemical LDWA
Detects and quantifies at least 9 mandatory physical and chemical parameters (Lead, Nitrate, Arsenic, Cadmium, color, turbidity, disinfectant residual, pH, Total Dissolved Solids)
Offers services of both Microbiological and Physico-Chemical LDWAs
LDWA shall have all necessary equipment, reagents and supplies to perform standard methods of analysis based on PNSDW 2017
LDWA shall maintain detailed records of equipment/instruments such as preventive/corrective maintenance, calibration, damage, malfunction and repair
LDWA shall maintain an inventory of reagents and supplies with detailed descriptions
LDWA shall select appropriate analytical methods based on current PNSDW