Potential of lower prices bc less transportation cost
Bettercontributionfor the planet
Positives of globalisation for nations
HighercapitalGDP (PIB) growthrates
Increased economichealth
Lower unemploymentrates
Positives of deglobalisation for nations
Reduced dependency on foreigneconomies
Increased nationself-sufficiency
Better controloverdomesticeconomicpolicy
Protection of domesticindustries and jobs
Focus on sustainability & localproduction
Reduced of spreadglobalthreats such as pandemics
Sustainability & security of thedomesticeconomy
The 3 most Belgian exported product groups in 2022 are:
chemical products
mineral products
The 3 main Belgium's EU clients of goods in 2022 are:
France, Germany, The Netherlands
The 3 main Belgium's non EU clients of goods in 2022 are:
Japan, UK, USA
Belgium's trade balance 2022 of goods displayed a surplus
Unemployment decreased in Belgium in 2022
The 3 countries in the world that export the most in 2022 are:
USA, Germany, China
The 3 countries in the world that import the most in 2021 are:
USA, Germany, China
Belgium stands at ranking number 8 in worldwide export of goods in 2022
Belgium stands at ranking number 13 in worldwide import of goods in 2022
The significant increase in Belgium's trade in value terms over the past two years is explained by rising prices
The two types of goods that will explain the evolution of Belgian exports to Germany in 2022 are:
Reasons for the rapid growth of international business
Economicgrowth (BRICS)
Turbulences in the international marketplace
Newness (new business, new markets, new ways of doing business, new methods to interact with customers)
Intensity (leads to customers focus, innovation, identification & exploitation of appropriate market segment)
Threats (pirating, diseases, war, terrorism,...)
Key words for international marketing
Country in UE that exports the most:
Country in UE that imports the most:
In the world Belgiums is ranking 8th in the exports and 13th in the imports
Anvers port is ranking 13th of the biggest port in the world behind Rotterdam, Los Angels and Shanghai (1st)
90% of the worlds commercial goods are transported by boat
The ukrenian war and the coronavirus caused a lot of trouble in the international commercial world
Because of the covid commercial exchange were blocked, this decision wasn't without consequences for the mondial economy
The worldwide exchange was stopped during covid and causes big shortages (such as mask or battery)
Goods exchanges decreased by 7% between 2018 & 2020
The world GDP decreased by 3% in 2020 bc of covid
FMI = fond monétaire international
FMI's goal is to ensure financial stability to lendfunds to countries in crisis.
Because the Ukernian war there was shortage of fossil energy (many European country depends on Russian gas and fuel) and cereals
Embargo = abanontradeorcommercebetweentwocountriesorregions, especially one imposed by one country on another (many europeans country ban exchange with Russia)
Russia was the 3th biggest supplier for fossil energy, due to the embargo the prices in UE increased drastically
Thanks to the war and the embargo the 13 members of the oil exporting countries were able to increase their sales but also the USA increased their sales of their liquidgas who replaces the Russian naturel gas