Cards (27)

  • Independent Variable

    Alone or Presence of others in college canteen
  • Dependent Variable

    Duration of Phone Usage
  • IV Operationalisation
    In the College canteen during Lunchtime alone or in the presence of one or More people
  • DV Operationalisation

    Duration of Engagement with Mobile Phone
  • Justification for directional hypothesis
  • Research Method

    Non-Participant Observation
  • Strengths of Research Method

    • Naturalistic observation can provide a useful check on whether experimental findings apply outside the laboratory
    • Avoidance of demand characteristics - behaviour is not affected by anxiety which occurs in lab experiments. Participants will not be playing up to the observer if he remains undisclosed
  • Limitations of Research Method

    • Lack of control over confounding variables
    • Ethical issues - if people are unaware of the observation then the observer is breeching ethical issues such as deception and invasion of privacy
  • Research Design

    Independent group Design
  • Strengths of Research Design
    • No problem with order effects
  • Weaknesses of Research Design

    • Potential for error resulting from individual differences between the groups
    • No controls being used
  • Sampling Method
    Opportunity Sampling
  • Strengths of Sampling Technique

    • Easy in terms of time and therefore money
    • Takes away researcher bias as we are unable to select participants to fit the purpose of the experiment
  • Weaknesses of Sampling Technique

    • Can produce a biassed sample as it is easy for the researcher to choose people from their own social and cultural group
    • Participants may decline to take part and your sampling technique may turn into a self-selected sample
  • Assessing Reliability

    1. Use Inter-observer/rater reliability
    2. Train observers in the use of checklist so they understand the operational definition of "phone usage"
  • Assessing Validity

    Deal with observer effect leading to Demand Characteristics by improving the design of the experiment and standing in the corner to avoid being noticed by the participant
  • Procedure
    1. Decided on aim, wrote alt and null hypothesis
    2. Fully operationalised IV and DV
    3. Randomly selected a person alone and watched them for 7 minutes, recording duration of phone use
    4. Repeated for a group of 2 or more
    5. Recorded results for 10 people alone and 10 in a group
    6. Calculated mean scores
    7. Inputted scores into Mann Whitney U test and calculated significance
  • Descriptive Statistics

    Calculate the mean of time spent on phone within each condition (alone or within a group)
  • Justification for descriptive statistics
    The mean provides a measure of central tendency and represents the average time of phone usage within each condition.
  • Graphical Representation
    Bar Chart
  • Justification for graphical representation
    allows for easy comparison of 2 means to see if there is difference between the two conditions of sitting alone or with someone.
  • Inferential Statistical Test

    Mann Whitney U test
  • Justification for inferential statistical test
    looking for difference // independent group design used // ratio data so simplified to Nominal
  • Summary of Findings
    Descriptive Statistics
    • Mean alone : 337.9
    • Mean for group : 202.1

    Graphical representation
    • Bar Chart

    Inferential Statistics
    • Critical Value : 27
    • Observed Value : 2
  • Ethical Issues Identified
  • How Ethical Issues were Dealt With
    valid consent this was dealt with by us debriefing the student on what occurred giving them a chance to withdraw their inclusion of data
  • Ways to Improve Research
    • repeat over several days to have more generalised results improving our reliability

    • use a bigger sample to be more reflective of the entire population

    • watch for a longer time to improve reliability and validity of results ensure that it is reflective of everyday life