Broca's area (left frontal lobe) is involved in motor aspects of speech production.
The hippocampusdeals with long term memory, it's a sausage-shaped structure inside the temporal lobe.
Wernicke's area (left posterior superior temporal gyrus) is involved in language comprehension.
The amygdala is located deep within the brain and plays an important role in emotional processing.
The cerebellum is responsible for coordinating movement and maintaining balance.
The basal ganglia are responsible for planning and executing movement sequences.
The thalamus acts as a relay station between different parts of the brain and helps to process sensory information.
hippocampus (memory), broca's area, cerebellum (muscle control) and basalganglia (speech planning, timing, turn taking, regulated behavior, etc) are all involved in language processing
commissural pathways: connecting two hemispheres
along the horizontal axis
for example the corpus callosum connects 2 hemispheres