
Cards (60)

  • Structures of the basal ganglia

    • Caudate
    • Putamen
    • Globes palladus (palladium)
    • Subthalamic nucleus
  • Structures of the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG)

    • Pars orbital
    • Pars triangularis
    • Pars opercularis
  • Broca's area

    Part of the left inferior frontal gyrus (LIFG)
  • Arcuate fascicules
    Connects Broca's and Wernicke's areas
  • Axon hillock
    Connects the soma to the axon and controls the initiation of the action potential
  • Resting potential of neurons
    • -70 mV
  • Threshold
    • -55 or -50 mV
  • Broca's area (left frontal lobe) is involved in motor aspects of speech production.
  • The hippocampus deals with long term memory, it's a sausage-shaped structure inside the temporal lobe.
  • Wernicke's area (left posterior superior temporal gyrus) is involved in language comprehension.
  • The amygdala is located deep within the brain and plays an important role in emotional processing.
  • The cerebellum is responsible for coordinating movement and maintaining balance.
  • The basal ganglia are responsible for planning and executing movement sequences.
  • The thalamus acts as a relay station between different parts of the brain and helps to process sensory information.
  • hippocampus (memory), broca's area, cerebellum (muscle control) and basal ganglia (speech planning, timing, turn taking, regulated behavior, etc) are all involved in language processing
    • commissural pathways: connecting two hemispheres
    • along the horizontal axis
    • for example the corpus callosum connects 2 hemispheres
    • projection pathways: cortical + subcortical connection
    • dorsoventral (descending)/ventrodorsal (Ascending)
    • association pathways
    • ipsilateral cortical areas (within same hemisphere)
    • longitudinal anterior/posterior
  • depolarization is when sodium ions enter the neuron
  • repolarization is when potassium ions leave the neuron
  • BOLD signal peak at 5-10 seconds
  • EEG measures electrical activity from scalp electrodes
  • ERP measures event related potentials
  • fMRI has low temporal resolution, but high spatial resolution
    • BOLD signal: five seconds after activation there will be the most oxygenated blood in a region
    • after the peak (5-6 sec after stimulus) there's dispersion and then an undershoot (lower oxygenated blood than original state)
    • returns to equilibrium from 16-32 seconds after (initial state)
  • threshold = property of a neuron whereas weight is the property of the connection between neurons 
  • AND gate activates output neuron only when both input neurons are active
  • OR gate is inclusive usually-- output neuron can be activated when either one or both of the input neurons are active
    • excitation = total amount of input that the neuron receives
    • a is the activation value and w is the weight
    • each are sub k = of the same neuron
  • k=1 is 'starts at 1' or start at the first neuron (you're not excluding any neurons)
  • Hebbian learning = neurons that fire together, wire together. the learning rate is 0.1 (but this can vary)
  • in Hebbian learning, if there is no change to the weights then it means that the inputs have already been learned
  • the more often two neurons fire simultaneously, the stronger their synaptic connections become.
    • w is weight again, Wij (sub ij) is the weight of neurons i and j
    • t is time (current, right now time) delta t the future time (change in time)
    • Wij (t + delta t) is what the weight will be one step in the future
    • Wij (t) is the weight right now, + 0.1 (learning rate) times a sub i(activation value of i) times bj (activation value of neuron j)
    • the 0.1 divides the product of ai and bj by 10 which is the learning rate (can vary based on model)
    • ERP= event related potential, averaged EEG over time and participants
    • measured brain potential as a result of a stimulus— averaged across many observations (presentations of stimuli and participants)
    • ERPs are functionally specific
    • characteristics:
    • latency: when after a stimulus can we expect the ERP
    • polarity: positive/negative
    • location (in EEG: topography)
    • amplitude
  • MEG= magnetoencephalography, measures magnetic fields generated by electrical currents in the brain
  • an active brain region needs oxygenated blood in order to break down ATP for energy so that neurons can fire
  • TR: time resolution, with which frequency (how long it took) to take one scan 
  • TMS= transcranial magnetic stimulation, generates strong electromagnetism pulses to temporarily deactivate part of the cortex
  • TE: echo time, how long it takes for the signal to return from the tissue back to the scanner