Daily Mirror Language&Representations

Cards (27)

  • Daily Mirror

    Newspaper that holds up a mirror to reflect the things going on in the world
  • Strap line "Fighting for all our futures"

    Makes the newspaper seem heroic and patriotic, as though they are a strong leader within the community
  • Globe replacing "o" in "mirror"

    Suggests the newspaper has global issues and is powerful not just in the country but in the world
  • Mini promo for football pullout

    • Says "the number one football pullout", making it seem like the newspaper has the best content and often tackles working class male interests
  • Britain Pride of Britain Awards promo

    Makes the newspaper seem patriotic, celebrating diverse people who have overcome struggles
  • Caption "Courage" under image of girl with no arms

    Represents her as a heroic role model, reinforced by the image of her presumed mother clapping behind her
  • Headline "Beautiful, moving, inspiring"
  • Disabled people may feel this inclusion and representation is positive
    But some may see it as patronizing, referring to them as heroic and brave rather than just normal
  • Celebrities presenting the awards

    Represents the awards as being very important, and that the people being celebrated are heroes that we should look up to
  • Front cover

    • Bold, eye-catching images take up the vast majority of the space
    • Small amount of copy in bold, sans-serif font reflects the low literacy level of the Daily Mirror readership and their preference for pictures over words
  • "The heat is on"

    Plays on a familiar phrase, simple wording very easy to understand
  • "Summit to save the world"

    Hyperbolic language makes the issue feel very dramatic and important
  • "Johnson issues a doomsday warning"
    Use of the "doomsday" phrase associates the climate change issue with the end of the world or apocalypse, representing it as hugely important and dangerous
  • Statistic: "This is the seven hottest years on record"
  • "Turn to page X for the rest of the story"
    Acts as an enigma code or jump line to get people to buy the paper and read the full article
  • Image of man in fire

    • Dramatic, urgent, almost like an action movie scene
    • Wide angle shot makes him seem small and vulnerable compared to the out-of-control fire
  • Boris Johnson's representation

    • Wearing suit and tie makes him seem professional, sophisticated, upper class
    • Wearing a poppy suggests he is patriotic and respects tradition
  • Double page spread
    • Very large images take up most of the space
    • Copy is broken into small chunks to make it easy to read
  • Green colour palette

    Signifies environmental/eco-friendly themes, linking to the climate change focus
  • Inserted photo of Boris Johnson

    Makes him seem disorganized and not in control, with the caption "getting messy"
  • "Take me to your leaders"

    Phrase suggests the world leaders are alien-like, not relatable to the general public
  • Use of words like "extreme", "blight", "alarming"

    Emotive language creates a sense of drama and fear
  • "One minute to midnight"

    Phrase used to suggest we are very close to the end of the world/civilization
  • Image of Greta Thunberg

    • Use of a recognizable person adds gravitas to the article
  • Greta Thunberg wearing a mask

    Reflects the social/cultural context of the pandemic
  • Reference to "children's future"

    Represents children as vulnerable, needing protection
  • Use of facts and statistics