post event discussions

Cards (4)

  • Post-event discussion
    -Occurs when there is more than one witness to an event. Witnesses may discuss what they have seen with co-witnesses or with other people. This may influence the accuracy of each witness's recall of the event.
  • post-event discussions procedure 

    studied ppts in pairs
    each ppts watched the same video but from a different angle
    each ppts saw something the other ppts did not e.g. one ppt saw title of book in women's hand
    after ppts could discuss what they saw
  • post-event discussions findings 

    71% of ppts mistakingly picked up aspects of the situation they did not see after discussing
    corresponding figure for the control group where they had no discussion was 0%
  • why do post-event discussions affect EWT?

    memory contamination
    when co-witnesses discuss a crime EWT may become distorted or altered
    may combine misinformation

    memory conformity
    witnesses go along with each other due to social approval or because they believe the other person is right
    actual memory isn't changed