Cards (8)

  • Microbiome is the complete collection of microorganisms and their genes within a particular environment
  • Microbiata is the individual microbial species in a biome - bacteria, fungi, archaea and viruses
  • culture dependent methods relies on culturing of microbes in the lab and uses pure cultures, or simple enrichments
  • the pros of culture dependent methods
    you can study one organism at a time, allowing access to the phenotype. can manipulate the conditions to see the response of the organism
  • the cons of dependent methods
    there is too many species to grow them all and not all of them can be cultured. culturing requires precise conditions to match microbes needs and doesn't match the real world conditions
  • culture independent methods relies predominantly on nucleic acid based methods. no culturing method required. it uses sequencing or metabolic profiling to study all microbes in a sample
  • pros of culture independent methods
    Can study many organisms at a time and shows the communities as they are in nature. It allows access to genotype. Can target non-culturable organisms as well as provides access to unknown information or species
  • cons of cultural independent methods
    there is no pure culture, so no ability to manipulate. it is also expensive and complex methods