Anatomy lec 2

Cards (5)

  • Thyroid gland
    An endocrine gland
  • Thyroid gland

    • Each lobe is pear-shaped and conical in shape
  • Thyroid gland

    • Very vascular organ
    • Surrounded by a sheath derived from the pretracheal layer of deep fascia, which attaches the gland to the larynx and trachea so it moves with deglutition
  • Pyramidal lobe

    • A small conical process extending from the upper border of the isthmus, connected to the hyoid bone by the fibromuscular band called the levator glandulae thyroidae which is an embryological remnant of the thyroglossal duct
  • Parathyroid glands

    Yellowish-brown, ovoid bodies about 6mm long, usually 4 in number, related to the posterior border of the thyroid gland and lying within its fascial capsule