Outline flashcards for the ANS

Cards (20)

  • ANS
    • Generally not consciously controlled, though meditation/biofeedback can influence via somatic/special senses > limbic system > ANS
  • Autonomic Motor System
    1. Preganglionic neuron (SC > autonomic ganglion)
    2. Postganglionic neuron (autonomic ganglion > effector)
  • Preganglionic neuron

    • Cell body in lateral horn of SC or brainstem, myelinated
  • Postganglionic neuron

    • Cell body in autonomic ganglion, unmyelinated, has varicosities instead of axon terminal
  • Effectors (muscle/glands)

    • Most have dual innervation - parasympathetic & sympathetic which oppose each other
  • Sympathetic division

    "Fight or flight" - dilates pupils, dilates bronchioles, vasodilation to skeletal muscle, vasoconstriction to smooth muscle not involved with "fight/flight", increases heart rate/contractility
  • Parasympathetic division

    "Rest and digest" - mostly opposes sympathetic, focused on smooth muscle and glands
  • Sympathetic division
    1. Preganglionic neurons from T1-L2/3 via white rami communicantes
    2. Postganglionic neurons return via grey communicating rami to anterior ramus of spinal nerve, or join nerve branches to heart/neck/shoulder, or follow blood vessels to abdomen/pelvis
  • Sympathetic trunk ganglia

    • Paired ganglia lining in a row on either side of spinal cord (3 cervical, 11-12 thoracic, 4-5 lumbar, 4-5 sacral, 1 coccygeal)
  • Prevertebral ganglia

    • Anterior to vertebral column, close to large abdominal arteries
  • Sympathetic neurotransmitters

    Preganglionic - acetylcholine (ACh), Postganglionic - norepinephrine (NE) (mostly, with some epinephrine)
  • Parasympathetic division

    1. Preganglionic neurons from nuclei of CN III, VII, IX & X and lateral grey horns of S2-S4
    2. Preganglionic neurons from brainstem are part of CN III, VII, IX, & X
    3. Preganglionic neurons from S2-S4 join to form parasympathetic splanchnic nerves
  • Parasympathetic ganglia

    • Located close to the organs innervated (long preganglionic neuron, short postganglionic neuron), called terminal ganglia
  • Vagus nerve (CN X)

    One of the most important parasympathetic nerves, innervates heart, lungs, stomach, intestines, liver/GB, pancreas, other viscera
  • Parasympathetic neurotransmitter
    Acetylcholine (ACh)
  • Cholinergic neurons

    • All sympathetic and parasympathetic preganglionic neurons
    • All postganglionic parasympathetic neurons
    • Sympathetic postganglionic neurons going to sweat glands
  • Nicotinic receptors

    Excitatory to post synaptic cell, found on dendrites & cell bodies of sympathetic & parasympathetic postganglionic neurons & motor end plates
  • Muscarinic receptors

    Can either excite or inhibit effector (e.g. pupil constriction, inhibits sphincters in GI system), found on plasma membranes of all parasympathetic effectors (cardiac/smooth muscle, glands) & sympathetic sweat glands
  • Adrenergic neurons

    • Sympathetic postganglionic (most)
  • Adrenergic receptors

    α1 & β1 - excitatory (vasoconstriction, increased HR/contractility)
    α2 & β2 - inhibitory (bronchodilation, pupil dilation, vasodilation in vessels going to skeletal muscle)
    β3 - brown adipose > thermogenesis (heat regulation)