The use of theoretical and computer models

Cards (3)

  • Computer model:
    > Cognitive psychologists argue the mind functions like a computer
    > The information - processing model applies the idea of the human mind functioning like a computer eg. information may enter the brain but how we respond depends on how we process information
  • The computer model is a 3 stage process
    > Input - We receive the Information from the environment via our senses e.g. sight, sound, smell and it is encoded
    > Process - The information is now processed (we interpret the event). We store the information as a memory
    > Output - The appropriate behaviour, emotion is performed or retrieval of information occurs
  • Theoretical models
    > Cognitive psychologists take a behaviour and look at the processes that happen ‘behind the scenes’, they will then describe this process in a series of steps
    > The Multi-store model suggests that memory has separate unitary stores and information flows through memory in a linear way
    > Miller used a controlled lab experiment to investigate the capacity of STM in which he used the digit span technique, adding one digit each time until participants could no longer recall the number