Tulving's 1972 - long term memory

Cards (6)

  • Epsiodic memory

    explicit memory of personally experienced events.
    Responsible for storing informations about events we've experienced in our lives. Involving conscious thoughts.
    Can be encoded visually , by sound, spatial material
  • Semantic
    General factual knowledge. Stores information about the world around us such as the knowledge about meanings of words/ cities and places
  • Procedural memory

    the gradual acquisition of skills as a result of practice, or "knowing how" to do things. I.E. memory of motor skills
  • Free recall

    when someone learns something and then is asked to recall them but not in order
  • Strengths
    - neurophysiological evidence about their being 2 categories
    - episodic metres seem to be those that are affected when theirs brain damage to areas like the medial temporal lobe
  • Weaknesses
    - labels difference rather than an actual difference
    - medial temporal lobe is used for both episodic and semantic meaning not much difference for their being separate stores (squire and Zola 1998)