The annunciation story highlights the role of Mary in our salvation history as the mother of God.
Nazareth, Galilee - Mary's hometown and Jesus' birthplace.
Mediatrix - The role Mary plays in our relationship with Jesus.
Elizabeth and Zechariah - Mary's cousin and her husband
Ann and Joachim - Mary's parents.
The title "Holy Mary" means Mary is whole and pure.
She is addressed as the "Mother of God" as the one who gave birth to Jesus.
CCC 2167 - She whom the almighty “full of grace” responds by offering her whole being: Behold I am handmaid of the Lord: let it be done to me according to your word.
Mary's obedience manifested her deep faith.
Respect women, be gender sensitive, respect our mother, and learn to trust God.
Angel Gabriel visited her on the sixth month.
Magnificat - Mary's song
An ideal mother is loving, prayerful, thoughtful, energetic, sweet, courageous, rolemodel, gentle, faithful, and truthful.