Refers to the solid part of the Earth, including the rocks, minerals, landforms, and the processes that shape them
Layers of Earth
Core (inner & outer)
Outermost layer of Earth where life exists
Thinnest layer - ranging from about 5-70 km in thickness
Types of crust
Continental Crust
Oceanic Crust
Continental Crust
Crust that makes up the continents and is about 40-70 km thick
Made up of light granitic rocks made up of mostly aluminum silicates
Oceanic Crust
Crust that underlies the ocean floor
Average thickness of 5 km
Composed of dense basaltic rocks made up of magnesium silicates
Below the crust
A semisolid, rocky, and very hot layer
Thickest layer - measuring about 2900 or 80% of Earth and carries most of its mass
Composed of ferro-magnesiumsilicate rocks
Mantle layers
Upper Mantle
Lower Mantle
Upper Mantle
Relatively rigid and contains the asthenosphere
Allows the movement of tectonic plates
Mantle's top layer has a temperature of about 900 C
Lower Mantle
Contributes to the overall convection and heattransfer within the Earth's interior
Going deeper into the mantle, the temperature increases from 1000 C - 3700 C
Outer Core
Only liquid layer
Mostly made up of molten nickel and iron
About 2270 km thick
Temperatures ranging 3700 C - 4300 C
Responsible for the magnetic field
Inner Core
Diameter about 1220 km
Composed mostly of solidiron and nickel
Extremely hot - 6000 C
Comprises of the crust and the uppermost part of the mantle
A rigid layer that can break under stress
Composed of tectonic plates
Tectonic Plates
Composed of major and minor blocks that interact and create the tectonic activities on Earth
Many independent massive slabs of solid rocks that float on the semi-fluidmantlebelow them at a rate of 1-10 cm per year
Below the lithosphere
About 180 km thick
Semi-fluid layer
Contains hot, molten rocks or magma
Can deform and reshape driven by heat energy, which circulates as convectioncurrents, traveling upward from the hot lower mantle to the cooler upper mantle
This heat transfer mechanism helps drive the movement of tectonic plates, which is manifested as earthquakes
Created by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other tectonic processes
Knowledge on how they behave allowed scientists to learn about the Earth's layers
Detected by sensitive instruments called seismometers and recorded by seismographs
Types of Seismic Waves
Body Waves
Surface Waves
Body Waves
Primary Waves / P waves
Secondary Waves / S waves
Primary Waves / P waves
First to be felt on earth; faster
Compressional / Longitudinal waves
Shake the ground backandforth in the same direction the wave is moving
Pass through solidandliquid sections
Refract or bend as they pass through liquids
Secondary Waves / S waves
Transverse waves
Up-and-down motion perpendicular to the direction of the wave
Do not travel through liquids
Travel slower than P waves
Surface Waves
Only travel on the surface
Used for geological studies such as earthquake damages and strength
They do not provide information about the Earth's interior
Contraction Theory
One of the earliest theories on the changing geography and surface topography of Earth
Suggested that as Earth cooled after its formation, its surface contracted and wrinkled, these wrinkles being the mountainranges on Earth
All features on Earth were formed during a single cooling event
ContinentalDrift Theory
Proposed by Alfred Wegener in 1912
Asserted Pangaea
Based upon his observations: apparent fit of the coastlines of SouthAmerica and Africa, similarities of plant and animal fossils in SouthAmerica and Africa, similarities in the sequences of rocklayers of opposite sides of the Atlantic Sea
Rejected because Wegener failed to provide evidence for the mechanism that drives the movement of plates
Earth began as a single landmass or supercontinent
Surrounded by a vast sea or superocean called Panthalassa
Broke down into 2 smaller supercontinents, Gondwana and Laurasia
SeafloorSpreading Theory
Proposed by Harry Hess in the 1960s
States that the seafloors or ocean floors, not the continents, move and carry the continents along
The ocean floor is continually moving and constantly regenerated from a spreading center
PlateTectonics Theory
Incorporates the continentaldrift and seafloor spreading theory
A scientific theory that explains how landforms are created from the movement of the Earth
The heat driving the convectioncurrents is the radioactive decay underneath Earth
The earth's crust is broken into 7 larger plates and into several smaller plates
Primary Plates
Eurasian Plate
Australian Plate
Pacific Plate
North American Plate
South American Plate
African Plate
Antarctic Plate
Driving Forces
Mantle Convection
Slab Pull
Slab Suction
Ridge Push
Resisting Forces
Slab Resistance
Collisional Resistance
Transform Fault Resistance
Drag Force
Pacific Ring of Fire
Frequented by geologic activities and other associated phenomena such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, faulting, and tsunamis, among others
More than half of volcanoes are here
Plate Boundaries
Divergent Plate Boundary
Convergent Plate Boundary
Transform Plate Boundary
Divergent Plate Boundary
When two plates move away from each other
A gap or rift between plates is created
Molten lava or magma move up and fill the gap, cools down, and forms new oceanic crust
Create rift valleys on land that causes the land to sink and create a valley, magma from the mantle can rise to the surface, leading to volcanic activity
Convergent Plate Boundary
When two plates slide toward each other and form either a subduction zone (one plate moves underneath the other) or an orogenic belt (the two plates simply collide and compress, region of deformed rocks)
Types of Convergent Plate Boundaries
Oceanic-oceanic Convergent Boundary
A subduction zone is formed
The descending oceanic plate melts upon contact with the asthenosphere
The molten material rise and create a chain of volcanic islands
Oceanic-continentalConvergent Boundary
The denseroceanic plate goes down beneath the continental plate and melt to form magma
Hot and less dense magma will seek a vent, the volcanoes, to reach the surface
Also form trenches and volcanic mountains on land
Create the strongest earthquakes and tsunamis
Continental-continentalConvergent Boundary
No subduction happens
The 2 plates compress and crumple, creating highly folded and uplifted mountainranges
Transform Plate Boundary
Plates horizontallyslide against each other in opposite directions
No mountains or volcanoes are produced
Redistribute stress and accommodates the movement between neighboring plates
Earthquakes result from the movement of plates and release massive amounts of energy