
Cards (21)

  • Effects of arthritis include:
    Joint stiffness
    Joint pain
    Loss of flexibility
    Decreased range of motion
  • Causes of arthritis:
    Wear and tear of joints
    Repeated stress to joints
    Being overweight
    Infections and immunity attack
  • Treatments to arthritis include:
    Heat and cold
    Joint immobilization
  • Short-term pain relief includes pain relievers such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or other NSAIDs.
  • Pain may be eased by moist or dry heat.
  • Moist heat is by bath or water.
  • Dry heat is by heating pad.
  • Pain and swelling may be reduced by cold compress.
  • Hot compress is for increased blood flow.
  • Cold compress is for decreased blood flow.
  • Splint or brace helps the joint rest and protect it.
  • Light massage of painful muscles increase blood flow and provide warmth.
  • Osteoarthritis is wear and tear of joints.
  • Rheumatic arthritis is when the immune system attacks healthy cells.
  • Gout is when uric acid crystals form and inflame 1 joint at a time.
  • Childhood arthritis is also called juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
  • Childhood arthritis can cause permanent physical damage.
  • Psoriatic arthritis is when the immune system becomes overactive, causing inflammation.
  • Fibromyalgia is when the whole body becomes sore.
  • Arthritis usually worsens with age.
  • Arthritis is the swelling of joints.