Quaternary sector (e.g. computing, web design, ICT, management consultancy, R&D)
Economic systems
Public sector
Private sector
Mixed economy
Free-market economy
Command economy
Public Corporation
A business enterprise owned and controlled by the state - also known as a nationalized industry
Sole Trader
A business in which one person provides the permanent finance and, in return, has full control of the business and is able to keep all of the profits
Unlimited Liability
Business owners have full legal responsibility for the debts of the business
Limited Liability
The only liability - or potential loss - a shareholder has, if the company fails, is the amount invested in the company, not the total wealth of the shareholder
A certificate confirming part-ownership of a company and entitling the shareholder owner to dividends and certain shareholder rights
A person or institution owning shares in a limited company
Memorandum of Association
This states the name of the company, the address of the head office through which it can be contacted, the maximum share capital for which the company seeks authorization and the declared aims of the business
Articles of Association
This document covers the internal workings and control of the business, the names of directors and the procedures to be followed at meetings
A jointly owned business operated by member for their mutual benefit, to produce or distribute goods or services- as in consumer's cooperatives or farmers cooperatives
The legal right to use the name, logo and trading systems of an existing successful business
A person or business that sells the right to open stores and sell products or services, using the brand name and brand identity
A person or business that buys the right from the franchiser to operate the franchise
Joint Venture
Two or more businesses agree to work closely together on a particular project and create a separate business division to do so
Social Enterprise
A business with mainly social objectives that re-invests most of its profits into benefiting society rather than maximizing returns to owners
The total value of sales made during the trading period = selling price x quantity sold
Capital Employed
The total value of all long-term finance invested in the business
Market Capitalization
The total value of a company's issued shares
Market Share
Sales of the business as a proportion of total market sales
Organic Growth
Expansion of a business by means of opening new branches, shops or factories (also known as internal growth)
External Growth
Business expansion achieved by integrating with another business by either merger or takeover