mammalian gas exchange system

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  • gaseous exchange system is moist, so oxygen dissolves in water before dissolving into tissues.
    conditions idea for evaporation of water
  • nasal cavity
    -large surface area with a good blood supply which warms the air to body temperature.
    -hairy lining= secretes mucus to trap dust and bacteria- protecting lungs from irritation and infection.
    -moist surface= increases humidity of air- reducing evaporation.
  • trachea
    = main airway carrying clean, warm, moist air from the nose to the chest.
    -wide tubes supported by incomplete rings (so food can go down) made of strong, flexible c-shaped rungs of cartilage= stops trachea collapsing.
    -lined with a ciliated epithelium.
    -goblet cells= secrete mucus onto the lining of trachea.
    -cilia= beat and waft mucus away from lungs.
  • bronchus
    -trachea divides to form left bronchus leading to left lung and the right bronchus leading to the right lungs.
    -have supportive rings (smaller)
  • bronchioles
    -bronchus divide to form many bronchioles
    -have no cartilage rings
    -walls contain smooth muscle= when it contracts the bronchioles constrict
    -when it relaxes, bronchioles contract- this changes the amount of air reaching the lungs.
    -lined with thin layer of flattened epithelium= more gas exchange
  • alveoli
    = tiny air sacs
    -layers of thin, flattened epithelial cells, along with collagen and elastic fibres= allows alveoli to stretch as air is drawn in and they return to existing size and help squeezes air out= elastic recoil.
  • adaptations of alveoli
    • large SA (300-500million)
    • thin layers
    • good blood supply
    • good ventilation
  • alveoli