Cards (11)

  • effectiveness of systematic desensitisation

    research has found that SD is successful for a range of phobias
  • effectiveness of systematic desensitisation

    McGrath et al 1990 found that that 75% of patients with phobias respond to SD
  • effectiveness of systematic desensitisation
    in vivo techniques more successful than in vitro (choy et al 2007)
  • effectiveness of systematic desensitisation

    a number of different exposure techniques are involved in in vivo and in vitro and also modelling, where patient watches someone else who ic coping well with feared stimulus (comer 2002)
  • effectiveness of systematic desensitisation
    demonstrates that sd is effective but also the value of using a range of different exposure techniques
  • effectiveness of flooding

    flooding can be effective for those who stick with it
  • effectiveness of flooding

    Craske et al (2008) concluded that flooding and sd were equally effective in treating phobias, however it can be highly traumatic and patients may quit
  • effectiveness of flooding

    flooding can be useful as long as patients know beforehand of distress they are likely to experience
  • systematic desensitisation may be more ethical
    it exposes the individual to the feared stimulus gradually, creating less distress
  • flooding might not always work
    it can sometimes strengthen the patients association between the conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus causing the patient to exhibit an even stronger conditioned fear response
  • flooding unethical

    flooding can be unethical to use on some patients because it is too traumatic, such as children