Special Handling

Cards (16)

  • What is needed when handling blood specimen in order to protect its condition and quality?
    Special care
  • What is the body temperature in Celcius?
    37 degrees Celcius
  • If blood specimen are allowed to cool BELOW what, the specimen will precipitate or agglutinate?
    body temperature
  • If allowed to cool below body temperature, the blood specimen will what?
    Precipitate or agglutinate
  • Tubes should be what at what temperature?
    pre-warmed, 37 degrees Celcius
  • Tubes uses what during transport?
    portable heat blocks
  • Portable heat blocks can hold temperature for how long from the removal from the incubator?
    at least 15 minutes
  • What is used for specimens that can withstand a temperature SLIGHTLY HIGHER than 37 degrees Celcius?
    Heel warmer
  • Give 3 examples that can withstand a temperature slightly higher than 37 degrees Celcius?
    Cold agglutinin, cryofibrinogen, and cryoglobulins
  • CHILLING slows what?
    metabolic process
  • Chilled specimen should be submerged in what during transport?
    crushed ice and water slurry
  • Give 13 examples of specimens that needed to be chilled?
    ACTH, ACE, ammonia, catecholamines, free fatty acid, gastrin, glucagon, homocysteine, lactic acid, PTH, pH/blood gas, pyruvate, and renin
  • Light-sensitive specimens should be wrapped with what?
    aluminum foil or light-blocking amber-colored container
  • Give 4 examples of light-sensitive specimen?

    bilirubin, carotene, red cell folate, serum folate, vitamin b, vitamin c, urine porphyrins, and urine porphobilinogen
  • The collected specimens are transported where for screening and prioritizing?
    central processing or triage
  • Specimens are IDENTIFIED, LOGGED or ACCESSIONED, sorted by DEPARTMENT and TYPE OF PROCESSING, and EVALUATED for SPECIMEN SUITABILITY which is necessary to get accurate results.