Our Sense-of-Self is also developed by the cultural community that we belong. The way we communicate with our fellowmen across the globe is also determined through the cultural practices, values and behavior that we have acquired from our native origin.
When we talk of Sense-of-Self it means that we know who we are and that we are comfortable with ourselves. When one has a strong Sense-of-Self one is able to go out and face the world and communicate with confidence, having the belief that one can handle the ups and downs that come with living.
Sense-of-Self involves the things you believe in. Sense-of-Self begins with values, beliefs and morals. These are foundations of your personality and your behaviors that determine the way you interact with others and the word around us. It is a blueprint that you can reflect on to behave the way you do in different circumstances.
Whenever we describe ourselves or even other people, we create descriptions to attain clarity of sending information. Creating Sensory images is considered an effective tool in speaking especially when conveying an explicit or clear description of a person or experience to the individual whom one is sharing the information with.
Visual (sight) - Form of outline, size, distance, perspective, motion, color, light, surface
Auditory (Hearing) - Volume(loud or soft), quality, pitch, cause or source of sound
Tactile or Tactual (touch) - Texture, temperature, resistance(hard or soft), skin sensations(tickling), degree of moisture
Gustatory (taste) - Sweetness, saltiness,etc.
Olfactory (smell) - Scents, offensive or nauseating odor
Organic (with the help of internal organs, muscles and systems) - Weight and pressure, pain, fresh air, chill fever, shivering
Allusion - Using actual name of a well-known figure in history, literature or politics
Antithesis - A contrast of ideas
Euphemism - Pleasant expression for an unpleasant idea
Hyperbole - An exaggeration
Irony - Saying the opposite of what is meant
Litotes - An understatement; opposite of hyperbole
Metaphor - Comparison of two unlike things
Metonymy - Use of word standing for an idea
Onomatopoeia - A sound signifying the source or words creating auditory images
Personification - Attributing to inanimate object or animals the traits or characteristics of human beings
Simile - Direct comparison of two unlike things using as or like
Synecdoche - Using a part to mean the whole or even the whole to mean the part