Air-containing cavity in petrous part of temporal bone, lined with mucous membrane, contains auditory ossicles that transmit vibrations of tympanic membrane to perilymph of internal ear
Tympanic membrane moves medially, head of malleus and incus move laterally, long process of incus and stapes move laterally
Base of stapes pushed medially in fenestra vestibuli causes motion in perilymph in scala vestibuli, compression wave passes down scala tympani causing lateral bulging of secondary tympanic membrane
Also called eustachian or pharyngotympanic tube, connects anterior wall of tympanic cavity to nasopharynx, bony posterior third and cartilaginous anterior two-thirds, serves to equalize air pressure on both sides of tympanic membrane
Keeping air pressure equal on both sides of eardrum, draining secretions from middle ear, protecting middle ear from pathogens, balancing pressure in middle ear, draining fluid from middle ear
Anterior wall is related to the middle ear and contains the aditus
Lateral wall is 1.5 cm thick and forms the floor of the suprameatal triangle
Inferior wall is perforated with holes through which the antrum communicates with the mastoid air cells
Posterior wall separates the antrum from the sigmoid venous sinus and the cerebellum
Superior wall is the thin plate of bone, the tegmen tympani, which is related to the meninges of middle cranial fossa and the temporal lobe of the brain
Stretches from the free edge of the spiral lamina to the outer bony wall, dividing the cochlear canal into the scala vestibuli above and the scala tympani below