to show that the probability of disease is greater in exposed than the unexposed
Study Population
Cohort Studies
Used to;
indentify the risk or rate, protective or prognostic factors
describe the natural history of disease
predict the number of new cases in a population over time
Cohort - specificcharacteristic of group of people
In cohort studies, group are defined on the basis of exposure and are followed for outcomes
Prospective Cohort Studies - moving forward
investigator can control and standardize data collection and can check the outcome of events
estimates of risk represent true risks for groups being studies (absoluterisk)
can look at multiple effects from a single exposure
only risk factors defined at the beginning of the study can be used
higher researcher cost
participant dropouts
requires long follow up
Retrospective Cohort Studies - moving backward
in this approach the investigator uses historical data to define a risk group and follows group members up to the represent to see what outcome have occured
similar to prospective cohort studies
time and cost limitations can be minimized
lacks the ability to monitor (already happen) and control data collection
Case-Control Studies
multiple exposure, single outcome
to show the probability of exposure is greater in those with disease
Study Population
Case Group (with disease)
Control Group (without disease)
Case-Control Studies
Used to ;
identify possible causes of disease
quantify sensitivity and specificity
Case-Control Studies
the investigator selects the case group and the control group on the basis of a defined outcome
compares the group of their frequency of past exposyre to possible risk factors
can estimate the relativerisk of the outcome (odds ratio)
Case-Control Studies
requires small number of subjects for study
desirable when the disease occurence is rare
recall bias
temporal relationship may be difficult to establish
information on potential risk factors and confounders may notbeavailable
Case-Control Studies
Sources of Cases
cohort study
disease registries
occupational groups
insurance companies
Commonly Used Controls
probability of samples of population from source populayion which gave rise to cases
patients from same institution with unrelated conditions
friends, associates, siblings
Nested Case-Control Studies
the disease shouldbemanifested first before you can choose the control and experiment group
Case-Cohort Study
even withoutdiseasemanifestation, you can pick the control and experimental group