Condensation occurs as air cools in higher altitudes.
The air can no longer hold moisture and precipitation occurs (often snow)
Altitude and landforms
as altitude increases rainfall also increases
Condensation occurs as air cools in higher altitudes. The air can no longer hold moisture and precipitation occurs (often snow)
rain shadow effect
leeward side of a mountain has area that is a patch of land that has been forced to become a desert because mountain ranges blocked all plant-growing, rainy weather.
The leeward side of the mountain where less precipitation occurs. Leeward side is the side protected from the wind, this is the rainshadow effect.
Ocean and rainfall
areas close to the sea will recieve more rainfall than places further form the sea. This is due to high levels of evaporation over the ocean. As air moves accros the land it will drop moisture.
if rocks/soils are permeable they absorb moisture. Impermeable rocks and soil result in more run off and higher rate of evaporation as more precipitation occurs.
Overall how climate change impacts earth
may impact rainfall patterns
more rainfall in northern latitudes (including flooding)
less rain close to equator and in mid latitude (drought)
change in rainfall patterns over last 100 years
higher rainfall in north america and europe
lower rainfall in mediterraneon southern africa and australia
What is the main reason for humans alterations to biomes?
As the world's population growths humans have a higher demand for food production, alteration to biomes to produced food is one of the leading reasons why humans significantly alter biomes.
Why does the industrial world need alterations to biomes.
space to build housing and infrastructure
raw materials such as fibres and fuels.
What are ways humans alter biomes to produce food.
transport routes
cleared tracts for power transmission
How do humans alter biomes to produce food?
Land clearing for Agriculture
What biome is most wide spread affected by land clearing for human agriculture?
Why are grasslands the most affected biome regarding human alteration?
absence of trees makes land clearing easier
flat terrain is easy to build on
deep rich soil is fertile to a range of plants suitable for farming
WHat are grasslands main uses for human alteration
urban settlements
How much have grasslands been altered.
Grasslands have been altered on every continent they are present on.
Global forest cover cleared or degraded? and imapcts
80% cleared or degraded for commercial crop plantations. Loss of biodiversity in biome.
Do humans alter the tundra alot to produce food?
No because of the harsh cold conditions the Tundra biome is not suitable forgrowing crops in comparision to rainforest or grasslands.
How have human alteration impacted the grasslands?
Soil degradation: Overuse of land for agriculture or mining can lead to soil degradation, including erosion and loss of nutrients, which can have long-term impacts on the fertility of the soil.
invasive plant and animal species
Human alterations impacted the tundra.
Global warming melts permafrost and trapped carbon is relased contributing to more warming of the earth.
The climate change occurring globally have impacted temperature in tundra causing warmer weather, animals and plant species are not adapted to as they have overtime adapted to a cold dry climate
Human alteration impacts in the tropical rainforest.
commercial crop plantations require forest clearing causing greatly loss in biodiversity rich biome. Rainforest absence means it can not absorb and offset carbon emissions.
Human alteration impacts in grasslands to desert
deserts may receive more rainfall than usual due to skewed weather patterns and climate change. what are impacts