Current - income received on a day to day basis. Ex) Taxation, lottery receipts, profits from state owned businesses (Aer Lingus)
Capital - income received on a one-off basis. Ex) selling a state owned company (Aer Lingus), borrowing from the World Bank
Government Expenditure:
Current: expenditure that occurs on a day to day basis. Ex) Jobseekers Benefit, State Pension, wages for public sector employees (teacher, doctor), national debt interest
Capital: expenditure on one off items that will last a long period of time. Ex) New hospital, schools, ambulances, Gardai vehicles
Government National Budget: consists of many ministers who draw up a budget for their department and how much they need to spend. This is shown to the Minister of Finance who decides how much to give to each department.
When the government has a surplus budget, they can:
Pay off some of the national debt
Reduce taxes
Hire more Garda, teachers, doctors
Increase welfare payments - jobseekersbenefit
When the government has a deficit budget, they can
Increase taxes
Borrow from the World Bank
Sell the state-owned company, ex) Aer Lingus. This process is knows as privatisation.