exam 1 quizzes

Cards (60)

  • Kinetics
    Considers the forces that act on the body
  • Frontal plane
    • Axis of rotation: Anterior/Posterior
  • Arthokinematic movement at the knee during forward swing of kicking motion
    tibia moving on femur: ant roll, ant glide
  • Closed kinematic chain activity
    • Having a stroke patient on hands and knees bearing weight through the upper and lower extremities
  • close packed position
    Good joint congruency, taut ligaments, increased stability, minimal accessory motion
  • Toe region of stress-strain curve
    The uncrimping of collagen
  • Rapid loading
    Causes an instantaneous stiffening of the tissue
  • Transverse plane axis of rotation
  • Sagittal plane axis of rotation
  • Mobilizing force on the proximal tibia to restore normal accessory gliding of the tibia during knee flexion
    Posterior glide
  • Convex moving on a fixed concave
    The convex surface glides in the opposite direction that it rolls
  • Creep
    The deformation of a viscoelastic tissue over time
  • Rapid loading
    Instantaneous stiffening of the tissue
  • Consider the concepts of torque and mass moment of inertia when answering this question:  Your patient is in a left sidelying position and attempting to quickly flex their right hip.  First they do so with the knee flexed, then with the knee extended.  How would the force requirement on the hip flexors change with the knee extended (compared to having the knee flexed)?
    Require more force from the muscle
  • You are helping a patient with weak quadriceps stand from sitting.  You instruct the patient to lean forward.  Why?
    To redistribute the center of mass to reduce the force required of the quad muscles
  • Mass moment of inertia applies to what type of motion?
  • Acceleration is directly proportional to which of the following?
    the force causing the acceleration
  • To increase the power (rate of work), you must:
    decrease time
  • What is the relationship of the force vector of the muscle with the force vector of the joint reaction force (JRF) created by that muscle's force?
    muscle force and JRF are in opposite directions
  • Co-contraction of the biceps and triceps reduces the JRF at the elbow joint (vs. biceps contraction only). T/F?
  • Mass moment of inertia is defined as:
    energy required to alter angular velocity
  • Your patient is doing open chain knee extension with a cuff weight around their ankle. If you were to move the cuff weight down around the foot AND KEEP TORQUE CONSTANT, what effect would this have on 1) the moment arm of the external force, and 2) the angular acceleration of the foot?
    increased moment arm, decreased acceleration
  • What class of lever system is depicted in this diagram of the hip abductor muscles and body weight acting at the hip joint in closed kinematic chain?
  • Tendons are made up of what type of connective tissue?
    dense regular
  • What is one of the purposes of GAGs (glycosaminoglycans)?
    attract water
  • In periarticular tissue cells, mechanical stress can be transduced into a biochemical signal.
  • the purposes of the joint capsule external layer?
    Protect the joint, provide proprioception, help stabilize the joint
  • characteristics and/or function of synovial fluid?

    It lubricates the articular cartilage
  • What is the relationship between stability and mobility in a synovial joint?
    More mobility = less stability
  • The term "diarthrodial joint" is synonymous with what other term?
    synovial joint
  • USUALLY the deepest in a diarthrodial joint (closest to the inside of the joint)?
    Synovial membrane of the joint capsule
  • Connective tissue cells are derived from which embryologic germ layer?
  • All Periarticular Connective Tissue (PCT) is made up of what three basic components?
    Fibrous Proteins, Ground Substance, and Cells
  • What type of collagen is most prevalent in bones?
    Type 1
  • New bone that is not yet completely mineralized
    woven bone
  • what is the shaft of a long bone called?
  • the tibial tuberosity is an example of what kind of epiphysis?
  • what is the basic unit of bone called?
  • what is the main ingredient in the inorganic component of bone?
  • what type of force can stimulate bone growth?
    tension and compression