Explanations for obedience

Cards (11)

  • Explanations for obedience
    • Agentic state
    • Legitamacy of authority
  • Agentic state- refers to a mental state where we feel no personal responsibility for our behaviour. This is because we feel as if we are acting for the authority figure as their agent
  • Autonomous state- individuals are seen as personally responsible for their actions
  • [Milgram] suggested an agentic shift occurs when a person sees somebody else as an authority figure
  • Binding factors- aspects of the situation that allows the person to ignore/ minimise moral strain
  • +[Milgram] Research to support agentic state
    • resisted giving shocks after asking the experimenter 'who is responsible'
  • -[Rank& Jacobson]- Research to contradict obedience
    • 16/18 hospital nurses disobeyed orders to administer an excessive drug dose to patients
  • Legitimacy of authority- more likely to obey people who we perceive to have authority over us
    • Authority is justified by the individuals position of power with a social hierarchy
  • Destructive authority- When leaders use their power for destructive purposes.
    [Milgram] used prods to order participants to go against their consciences- 'you must go on'
  • +Legitimacy of authority explains cultural differences [Kilham+Mann}
    • only 16% of females went up to 450V in Australia
    • [Mantell] 85% went up to 450V in Germany
  • -Legitimacy of authority cannot explain all disobediences [Rank&Jacobson]
    • 16/18 nurses disobeyed orders from a doctor to administer an excessive high dose to patients
    • [Milgram] some people disobeyed even tho it was legitimate